Tags : greek

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Sarah Hines

Brandon, Ireland, was situated in County Kerry, just on the Brandon Bay. With the green hills at one end and the shores of the bay on the other, it ..
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Sarah Hines

Mortimer had been practicing his pool skills when he heard a crash in his kitchen again. He muttered curses under his breath as he set aside the poo..
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Sarah Hines

Telese was running out of ideas to keep avoiding her father. She hadn’t heard from Eric in a while, and she couldn’t get a trace on him...
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Sarah Hines

People skills were not Morgan's strength. She had stood in the middle of bloody, dismal battles, whispering strategies and warnings into soldiers..
The Huluppu Tree

The Huluppu Tree

A Book by Amanda Peters

Does myth and legend become nothing or evolve when people forget it? Mont Pelee's eruption on May 8, 1902 decimated St. Pierre and killed over 30,000 ..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Amanda Peters

Chapter 2Through the streets, everyone was running to get out of the mess, St. Pierre was not destroyed and they felt relieved for that. Addair could ..
The Dark

The Dark

A Poem by Acromantula

Just a poem
Gift of the Pheonix

Gift of the Pheonix

A Story by Anjelika

Hey guys. this is a story im doing about a boy whos destiny is to save the world from its eternal darkness that was caused by the pheonix as a curse.
Gift of the Phoenix * completed*

Gift of the Phoenix * completed*

A Story by Anjelika

This is a short story about a boy who is destined to save the world.


A Story by Vegard Lindtner

Minos A shock, the axe cleaved both land and space apart creating a ripple. Its effect mute, it voyaged seeking form. Shores unc..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by HadezHeir

Based off of Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan.
Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by gnarlym

There are tales whispered across pillows and passed from grandmother to granddaughter for numerous generations. She was beautiful, with hair black lik..
It's Greek to Me

It's Greek to Me

A Poem by S

Poem for an assignment spring 2013 for my high school Brit lit class; inspired by a chapter in How to Read Literature Like a Professor. Note: I'm rat..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Star Noble

“Help with what?” Miles asked incredulously. Gabe and Oliver exchanged a look that Miles took notic..


A Poem by Anna

I see her,and it is like I am seeing something I should not.As if she is sacred,as if I were darkness,and she were light.Two forces that cannot dance ..