Tags : luck



A Chapter by Java

A small chapter of Introduction to Free Will delving into the concepts of luck, chance, odds and the butterfly effect.
Bad-Luck Bunny

Bad-Luck Bunny

A Poem by Moomin

Can we change our Luck?
Hellcat Love

Hellcat Love

A Poem by Summer Emswiler

For the love of my life.
Dear Ms. Keith,

Dear Ms. Keith,

A Poem by Summer Emswiler

for my high school art teacher.
XXNNI - The Scorpion

XXNNI - The Scorpion

A Chapter by BL

XXNNI - The Scorpion And the javelin landed between Ao’s feet with a thwang, embedding itself heavily into the earth. He looked at it as it ca..
XXX - Bezon Returns

XXX - Bezon Returns

A Chapter by BL

'He was easy to catch, he didn’t even see them coming, crouched on the ground rolling a stone around and laughing like the madman he was&rsquo..
XXXI High as the Crows (Death of a King)

XXXI High as the Crows (Death of a King)

A Chapter by BL

'The pure heart has an eternal light’ [][][] 'I am old now and my bones are cold, but the warmth from the fire gives me enough strength and i..
XXXII - In the Hospital

XXXII - In the Hospital

A Chapter by BL

'Have you heard?’ Boudica sang as she rampaged through the back door of Yulla’s house, her smile broad, her eyes wide and glinting. &ls..
A Rich Substance

A Rich Substance

A Poem by BL

Something beautiful happens When life overflows Like the chance meeting Of duelling banjos You play the guitar Much better than me On your lo..
Middle School Math Teacher

Middle School Math Teacher

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Should I become a middle school math or English teacher?Leave my bed early in the morning and return with test papers to grade.With what authority wil..
The Joker's Wild

The Joker's Wild

A Poem by Ronald K. Reddout

Lyrical poetry that developed from a dream I had one day. Relates to an event in a person's life that turns out to be very positive, i.e., the turning..
How lucky I am!

How lucky I am!

A Poem by Louisa Chan

This path This one-way path My feet have treaded A million steps Too fast Too hard Too late to know The end is close This path This lonel..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

I, too, dislike poems.I’ve tried runes (and rampikes)but that’s affectedrather than merely effete.So I call themfigments.When people query..
The Pity of Things

The Pity of Things

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Part of me says stay small, part go bigPart says eat your fill, part don’t pigKenko says: long life brings many shamesI say the gray sky brings ..
The Thirteenth

The Thirteenth

A Poem by Panhead Rod

A poem about Friday the thirteenth as just another day...
Data Delivered to Your Inbox

Data Delivered to Your Inbox

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Black lives matter. Me too.Not my president. Give peace a chance.Luck runs out. I like immigrants. Power must be challenged by power. Equal and opposi..
Chapter 1 - Territory

Chapter 1 - Territory

A Chapter by Leigh

Luke Black leaves his troublesome family home to set up his own life and with a handful of stolen tools he starts a farm on the high windswept coast o..
Good Fortune

Good Fortune

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a poem about luck.
Good Fortune

Good Fortune

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This poem talks about luck.
Good Luck!

Good Luck!

A Poem by QuillandInkWhispers

A poem I wrote about a person who didn't know how to value and appreciate what he had.

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