Tags : memories

San Francisco

San Francisco

A Story by Paris Kim

for a year Lucy tried to keep in touch with Daniel, always asking when he would ever come visit her in the City. three years later, Daniel finds himse..
Dancing in Summer Winds

Dancing in Summer Winds

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Soft scenes consume our collective memories in the sweetest roar When the moon spills out its heart into what we feel
Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest


Memories tucked away for safe keeping!
Suffering in Silence the Days Are Packed With Loneliness

Suffering in Silence the Days Are Packed With Lone..

A Poem by Sweet & Tender Hooligan

Inspired by The Boy Least Likely To, Stockholm Monsters, Love Me If You Dare and Where the Wild Things Are. A childlike poem packed with loneliness li..
Private Oasis of Dreams

Private Oasis of Dreams

A Story by Lena M. P.

Published in the first edition of U magazine last year through Mind's Eye.
Ode to a Daffodil

Ode to a Daffodil

A Poem by Zoe Jay

I remember a day when I was about six… The day I saw the daffodil. It was as yellow as a ripe lemon at the edges, pale, and looking alm..
I don't have a title yet

I don't have a title yet

A Poem by kasanova

A fresh start and escape from painful memories.
Chapter Two: Jessica Lee

Chapter Two: Jessica Lee

A Chapter by Friend of a Friend

Chapter Two: Jessica Lee Kelly wasn’t like her other friends. Jessica didn’t know why, it wasn’t something you could exactly put you..
The Walk

The Walk

A Poem by Morgan Masters

A woman remembers the past, admires her present and contemplates her future.
Ode to my son on his 28th birthday

Ode to my son on his 28th birthday

A Poem by Eiken

I gave my son a poem on his last birthday with his present. I am new to writing so it was lovely to be able to write something for him.
Beyond You

Beyond You

A Poem by Alicia™

Yet I feel like there's so much more to say...
Shadows in the light

Shadows in the light

A Poem by Red Brick Keshner

My grandmother passed away this week, 1917-2011 (23/03)
Our minds

Our minds

A Story by typingaway

I wrote this when thinking about someone who left my life, forever, this is for you, baby.
Command: Delete

Command: Delete

A Poem by YouoweYoupay

Message: Existing memory of a Smile: 1%
Never Again

Never Again

A Poem by Sincerely, Alex

Just remember me.


A Poem by Kelly

Memories float past on theThin winter airWhispering tales of summerTales whisked away by chilly fall breezesTales that come back to meOn these cold wi..
Your Name Has Talons.

Your Name Has Talons.

A Poem by CinderBows

I was compulsive, emotional, and had a pen in my hand and my school notebook on my desk.