Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Tags : Life

What I've Learned And Why

What I've Learned And Why

A Poem by Tanisha Davis

my life thus far
The Monk

The Monk

A Poem by Mario Vitale

A deep look into a life of a monk with a definite secret to reveal


A Story by C Peril

A short piece of work written about an elderly man completing his final duty; the piece centers around the ideas of love, fate, duty and purpose.
The Importance Of Buttons

The Importance Of Buttons

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Through the eye of a needle
The Haunting

The Haunting

A Poem by Mario Vitale

A Scary story
If I had a family

If I had a family

A Poem by Christine Chua

I write poems to let out my feelings than no one knows, and this was one of them. It's about a person who had a full family set yet she/he still feels..
Layers of Being

Layers of Being

A Poem by Raven Starhawk

Dedicated to backstabbers, liars and people who step on others to get what they want. I have no respect for you.
Inside me

Inside me

A Poem by Nebula

Life is a survival
Depression No More

Depression No More

A Poem by Mike

Eating up a pure spirit from inside out Quenching a longing thirst from drought Surrender feels as if it’s the only drug to this pain Taking ..


A Poem by Mike

In the absence of fear I am found wanting, In my subconscious I am no longer doubting, In my heart I feel the flutter of birds, In my mouth I loos..


A Story by My Phoenix Project

Something slightly experimental
Farewell, Aideu.

Farewell, Aideu.

A Poem by Mads

For the class of 2017.