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Tags : Life

रात गहरी हो गयी च�™ो सो जाते है।

रात गहरी हो गयी चलो ..

A Poem by Mr Shayar

रात गहरी हो गयी च�™ो सो जì..
Should we enjoy our life or not?

Should we enjoy our life or not?

A Story by dev choudhary

What do you think about it?
Skull & Crossbones

Skull & Crossbones

A Poem by Mario Vitale

A trivial pursuit


A Poem by Gaia Octavia

Anxiety is constant; like breath, and death, and taxes
The Magickal Gifts within the Core of your Being

The Magickal Gifts within the Core of your Being

A Poem by Micheal Teal

a collections of thoughts and quotes on spirit by yours truly.
Should There be fight in relationship?

Should There be fight in relationship?

A Story by dev choudhary

Whenever someone asks this question to me I always get confused. What about you/
The Prodigy

The Prodigy

A Chapter by C_theSurrealist

struggles are there, keep ahead you'll be there.


A Poem by Ty

Lost LIfe

Lost LIfe

A Poem by lost soul

how I feel a lot and a lot of people prob could relate



Love remained incomplete Of what could have been In between the laughs Sorrows kept their presence Only if she won’t do that Only..
Part-1 of my beautiful friend's friendship

Part-1 of my beautiful friend's friendship

A Story by dev choudhary

What do you think that if you would be there in the place of her what would you do?
Perfect chaos

Perfect chaos

A Story by Ms.Quoted

More of a auto biographical summary. Stark recap of how my life has shaped the essence of me.


A Poem by Ms.Quoted

Just an old poem of mine