Tags : fantasy

Part 12

Part 12

A Chapter by erifnidne

Ammie took Sylvia straight towards the growing waves of fear and confusion ringing through the air.Gripping the woman’s slim wrist in a tight ho..
The Weeping Angel

The Weeping Angel

A Poem by AlphaDelta

I've never seen an angel crybut there's one in front of me.Head in his hands, back turned away,Weeping out to the sea.The lightning flashes and with a..
A stray cats life

A stray cats life

A Story by ScramblesStuffs

An adventure through the life of a stray cat!
The Divine Advent, A God's Pursuit

The Divine Advent, A God's Pursuit

A Book by Nate_Lawliet

Average everyday teenager Rowan learns that maybe he isn't so average after all and goes on a journey confronting enemies both real and within himself
Boring Normal Life

Boring Normal Life

A Chapter by Nate_Lawliet

Rowan begins a new day at his school but things start to go from strange to stranger as he starts to turn into something more than human
What Should Have Been

What Should Have Been

A Story by Linda Stinson Wells

What Should Have BeenA Story by Linda WellsThe traffic was brutal. All the stops, starts and stalls only gave me more time to think about us. I felt e..


A Book by 13Clovers

Yun Thompson, after dosing himself with an alien substance, is fired from his work aboard a space-station, and exiled to an alien world below.
One Way To Prevent Space Madness

One Way To Prevent Space Madness

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

This etheree poem is about how the crew of a starship traveling across deep space.
Part 14

Part 14

A Chapter by erifnidne

The hardened tentacles crashed into the ground all around Ammie, throwing up even more dirt than her elemental stones had first rucked up.Screaming fi..
Who Are You, Warrior?

Who Are You, Warrior?

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

In this etheree poem, the king asks something new to the chessboard about himself.
My First Erotic Daydream

My First Erotic Daydream

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

This nonet poem is about what happens after he spots someone sitting at a table across from his.
Part 15

Part 15

A Chapter by erifnidne

La Ville had moved most of its people to the infirmary quarter, where people lay out on the grass, and volunteers and healers ran about. Elderly witch..
My One Encounter With A Ghost

My One Encounter With A Ghost

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

What happens after one person's sudden encounter with a possible ghost is being told in this etheree poem.
See His Wife Nikki Cheating On Him

See His Wife Nikki Cheating On Him

A Poem by Andrew Troy Keller

This double etheree poem is about what one man has seen his wife doing with another that caused him to go into a murderous rage.