Tags : Vampires

Chapter 44: The Spirit's Path

Chapter 44: The Spirit's Path

A Chapter by Orion & Opal

Be nice to your enemies, they probably need a chat.
Quartile Van-Helsing: Special Teams

Quartile Van-Helsing: Special Teams

A Story by Abishai100

Are underworld-dominion 'clubs' actually present...or simply some vanity-line for Earthling dimple?
Dracula's Charge

Dracula's Charge

A Story by Abishai100

Can a 'curious' princely-doc (Amlan Satan) offer the right-stuff 'academic' expression in a castle-keep 'examination' with the legend-vampire, for Ear..


A Story by Abishai100

Portrait of vampire engagement by a Western-man thinking he's the legendary Ven Helsing reincarnated for a quest to the Urals for dodecahedrons.
Ash Satan: Vampire Bloody Case (New England)

Ash Satan: Vampire Bloody Case (New England)

A Story by Abishai100

Dr. Ash Satan attempts to make vampire-hunter direction 'visage' in Boston-park for an Xmas-season light eve concerning incomplete-havens image for Ea..


A Story by Abishai100

Can Mr. Amlan Satan, a vampire-lore bud, erect a (very-special) home 'dominion' defense shield 'line' for securities/confidence in American banks in t..
Chronicle of Blood (Chapter-A)

Chronicle of Blood (Chapter-A)

A Story by Abishai100

First section of my 3-day 3-chapter series-tale of vampire-sports, inspired by Anne Rice text/dimension.
Chronicle of Blood (Chapter-B)

Chronicle of Blood (Chapter-B)

A Story by Abishai100

The 2nd-chapter of my (special) Chronicles-trilogy of vampire-dialysis finds the trekkers (Amlan/Marcus) in the Urals-castle, uniforming an aged sorce..
My Vampire Epic - short story timeline

My Vampire Epic - short story timeline

A Story by mnicorata

I decided to post a timeline of how all my vampire short stories are connected and in order by published date and year.
Undead Rising

Undead Rising

A Story by mnicorata

This is a re-post of an old post I did back in 2016, and serves as the sequel to Trail of the Undead.
Blood of the Undead

Blood of the Undead

A Story by mnicorata

Continuing my undead saga, this is a sequel to Fleshing Out The undead, where a wider group of heroes emerge and a new threat is revealed.

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