Tags : Bible

Which Is Harder -- Compassion or Blame?

Which Is Harder -- Compassion or Blame?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

So Jesus got back in the boat and sailed back across the Sea of Galilee. He returned home. And check it out! A bunch of people brought a man on a str..
Seriously Faith?

Seriously Faith?

A Poem by profetik777

Seriously Faith?seriouslyfaith, why do you need factsas an excuse to attack?you walk by faith not by sight right?why then do you use such poisonousmet..
End Days

End Days

A Book by dw817

The stars are in my eyes ... and I am blinded by their beauty ...


A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

For Saint Ignatius, chastity is more than simply refraining from sex. The step of embracing chastity coincides with that of abandoning the world and g..
Tasting the New Wine -- Being Religious Rather Than Acting Religiously

Tasting the New Wine -- Being Religious Rather Tha..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Then John the Baptist’s students went to Jesus and asked him, “Why do we and the lay-ministers fast so much, but your students never do?&r..
Faith Is Knowing My Existence Matters to God

Faith Is Knowing My Existence Matters to God

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

So while walking the dogs, I had a spiritual insight�"well, two actually, but I’m only going to write about one. As I’m walkin..
Invisible War

Invisible War

A Book by Joshua Hunter

A story about a normal kid in high school who discovers a very real war going on around us all on a daily basis.
Premises: War

Premises: War

A Chapter by Joshua Hunter

The introduction to the Invisible War.
Chapter 1: So it begins

Chapter 1: So it begins

A Chapter by Joshua Hunter

Alex thinks he is going crazy as he starts to see weird things going on all around him.
Who Is Unclean?

Who Is Unclean?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Check it out! While he was still saying these things, a prominent figure about town came to Jesus and fell down on his knees in front of him, saying, ..
When You Love Somebody

When You Love Somebody

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

When we love someone, those who are important to the person we love become important to us. If we love God, then those who are important to God beco..


A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The issue for me is not whether God answers prayer or not; the issue is that we have reduced prayer to being something that requires an answer. ..
Nobody Comes to the Father Except... or Should It be Accept?

Nobody Comes to the Father Except... or Should It ..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

When Jesus says "No one comes to the Father except by me" and "I am the way, the truth, and the life," and when it is claimed that through Jesus, all ..
The Great Commission

The Great Commission

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The Great Commission at the end of Matthew's Gospel is not a command to "Go out and make disciples of all nations," it is a statement of being: "Where..
Finding Yourself on the Wrong Side of God

Finding Yourself on the Wrong Side of God

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

In the Bible, the people who often find themselves on the wrong side of God aren't necessarily BAD people, they just usually resent the fact that God'..
Show, Don't Tell

Show, Don't Tell

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Maybe at Confirmation, or at Conversion, or at sometime in Sunday School or Youth Group, experienced Christians should be giving all new or budding Ch..
Overcoming Doubt

Overcoming Doubt

A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

My faith is for others. My doubt is for myself. So, the way I overcome doubt Is by living for others; Yet, I know that it takes faith to do this.
The Seeker

The Seeker

A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

It's not a poem, but it's not anything else either...
Learning How to Love

Learning How to Love

A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Could be a poem; could be a thought; could be nothing at all...