Reality VS Fiction

Reality VS Fiction

A Poem by kayla

Modeled on a past relationship
The Ball Turret Gunner

The Ball Turret Gunner

A Story by Tom Cook

Proofread and criticize. The story is brutal and cruel, so enjoy the violence and the character's slip from reality. Any comments or criticism's would..
Death Is Happiness

Death Is Happiness

A Story by Hidden Happiness

Bitter reality represented as a story


A Poem by Lauren Jones

essay poem


A Poem by EMMIE

This is a dream! Wake me up! This is a nightmare Pinch me now I don't want to be here Not any more There used to be peace And now it's wa..
One Last Dance

One Last Dance

A Poem by Winter Red Tears

My fingers typed this themselves, my mind wasn't here when I did this
Agave Tea

Agave Tea

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Drinking Agave Tea these lines just popped in my head
Question Bulleh Shah

Question Bulleh Shah

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

an observation
My Islam

My Islam

A Poem by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

What Islam is to me


A Story by Scytheriax

Just a childhood memory, of sorts.
No Longer Free

No Longer Free

A Poem by Peter Thomas

In a society with so much control and pressure into the status quo.Just how free are we really?
Hard-Hitting Reality

Hard-Hitting Reality

A Story by Persona

Dean, a gay man, was abused by his ex-friend Mohammed. They meet years later, but how will things turn out?


A Poem by SJ

I had a dream, A few nights ago, Of matters and things, Between you, and I. I dreamt that, We went our separate ways, You on your ..
Don't Question

Don't Question

A Poem by kayla

Plain Reality

Plain Reality

A Poem by PoeticFury

Title: Plain Reality By: Joshua Casimier Date: 4/16/2012 Imagine a baby abandoned lost on the side of the road. Crying its eyes out.. ..