Tags : Crime

Why People Shouldn't Call Police Stations

Why People Shouldn't Call Police Stations

A Poem by Randy Johnson

I called the police station but there were no cops.Every single police officer was at doughnut shops.My store was robbed and I hate the cops guts.None..
High Crimes

High Crimes

A Story by Dr. Tim Williams

Today even with this new Congress the corruption continues within the Trump Administration.
The Meteoric Event

The Meteoric Event

A Story by Earl Schumacker

Truancy for a good reason.


A Story by Vikas

It's about the adventure of two cops who are behind an unsolved mystery.


A Story by H Svabo Ziska

A story about a cop who is being accused of doing exactly what he is supposed to make sure doesn't happen.
TED Talk

TED Talk

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Biology TED talk, Ken Burns WWIIMultiple choice plus open response =Teacher cares, out there among the EnglishMathematics, fractions to imaginary iAny..
Andy Taylor and Barney Fife Become Criminals

Andy Taylor and Barney Fife Become Criminals

A Poem by Randy Johnson

One day Barney Fife was practicing his quick draw.He accidentally shot Thelma Lou, he broke the law.Andy had no choice but to put Barney in jail.But A..
A Mission Of Mercy

A Mission Of Mercy

A Story by Earl Schumacker

A drinkable solution to life
Until We Die

Until We Die

A Book by robbiejem

Teenagers Clyde Nichols and Bonnie Knight end up on the journey of their lives after the death of their AP history teacher dies mysteriously in their ..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by robbiejem

I have always been a good student. 3.9 GPA, Honor’s Society, class president. Now, I’m here with my boyfriend on my left, a dead body blee..
Own Your Own Nuclear Plant

Own Your Own Nuclear Plant

A Story by Earl Schumacker

Facilitating the facility is easy as 1 2 3