Tags : Marriage

[Excerpt] Sophistication

[Excerpt] Sophistication

A Story by Manda

This, quite literally, popped into my head, carried by a little pink fairy at work. She delivered me a thought, one to make me laugh during a rough sh..


A Poem by J.M. Dahl

The humdrum comfort and the dull routinedrive her to shun a static nation's dream.Three kids, a dog, a disconnected man,a mansion shadowing a minivan...
Special Delivery

Special Delivery

A Story by J.L Hunter

Elise receives a delivery in the mail, with a special surprise inside.
Pasts With Opportunity

Pasts With Opportunity

A Poem by Shannonboo

The trials of a marriage. After being married for many years we began to fall apart. This poem is the story of our journey back to a much happier life..
They Fell For Each Other

They Fell For Each Other

A Poem by Voncloud

Eye-contactbetween them was always prevalent;Feelings between them were always evident.They looked at each other with focus, like hawk eyesThey couldn..
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Nina St. Moritz

When the guards swung open the double doors into the king's spacious receiving hall, Ari knew immediately that she was not her father's first visitor...
An Arranged Marriage

An Arranged Marriage

A Book by Helen

Its always fun... Until you find the one that you love.
Prince Of England

Prince Of England

A Chapter by Helen

I woke up with a huge smile on my face. Yesterday had been the best day ever.I had just turned 18 and had the biggest party in the history of parties...
Smoothies and Boys

Smoothies and Boys

A Chapter by Helen

I didn't want to go to school because if I did go, I would have passed another day of school and if I passed another day then I would be another day c..
This Was Supposed to Be Forever

This Was Supposed to Be Forever

A Story by kayla

A short-story about a man in a unhappy marriage.
Unveil me forever

Unveil me forever

A Book by Honey21

What is it like to be the most desired woman in the land? How does it feel to be born so extera ordinary that your face must always be covered behind ..
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by whiterose

The air was cold against Juliana’s face, the wind whipping bright pink lines across her cheeks. Her mother hurried her along, dragging her..
Semblance of a Whole

Semblance of a Whole

A Story by whiterose

She's putting the pieces together, but they will never look the same again.
Eternal Youth

Eternal Youth

A Story by Georgina V Solly

Married and bored, she looks around to break the boredom.
The Healing Season

The Healing Season

A Chapter by My Fair Lady

Saving a Marriage. One day at at time
Spilt Milk.

Spilt Milk.

A Poem by Thomas Fitzgerald

A play on life that sometimes work.


A Poem by Photochick

A cycle of life