Tags : madness

Dream Journal: Entry One - 2nd/3rd October 2013

Dream Journal: Entry One - 2nd/3rd October 2013

A Story by Zone

This is the first entry for the dream journal I plan to keep updated as much as I can. I describe my dreams as half-lucid as I can control myself but..
A Letter To Shakespeare

A Letter To Shakespeare

A Poem by Weaving In Words

Oh! Despair have I! For terror has clogged my mind! It's all a cause of reading those Shakespearean books, A dangerous past-time! Title explains..


A Story by Unconsciousness

An unknown man tells about his experience of madness.


A Poem by jennpenn

A poem for an artist that I look up to
What Can Break A Man?

What Can Break A Man?

A Story by Muhammad Ali

What can break a man? Do you know? I do, I went through it all, every single possible thing you could think of... torture, mentally and physically! ..
After the Fall

After the Fall

A Poem by prettyballoon

Struggling with the aftermath of terror and abuse
black shrapnel

black shrapnel

A Poem by Wraith.



A Story by Nash

Explanations will have to wait.
Blessed are the Damned

Blessed are the Damned

A Poem by gardens and graveyards

A poem I wrote after thinking about all the whacky episodes I've had with my relationships with people.
unknown dimension

unknown dimension

A Poem by alien

Shores of Home

Shores of Home

A Poem by SilverFish

Longing home; the waters will carry me home, the waters will cast me away. Confusion and hope.
I Could Write Novels

I Could Write Novels

A Poem by Matthew Clough

I could write novels about the two of us sleeping in different beds, different cities, under the same moonlit sky, unable to shake the ot..