Tags : poem

Tears of Blood

Tears of Blood

A Poem by Lovecraft

Read into it any way you want. Call it an experiment in interpretation.


A Poem by Fae

Poem about colors
Weather patterns

Weather patterns

A Poem by Fae

Using weather for feelings
Winter Comes Again

Winter Comes Again

A Poem by emipoemi

With the summer rays receding, And the trees abscising leaves; With the breezes turning bitter As a warning for long s..


A Poem by emipoemi

Winter! Winter! Sending shivers through my skin! Winter! Winter! With the wind I cannot win! Winte..
Luna, ¡No Te Vayas!

Luna, ¡No Te Vayas!

A Poem by emipoemi

Luna ¡no te vayas! Moon, don’t go!¡No me dejes en oscuridad!I pray don’t leave me..


A Poem by Silver

A poem about how our differences shouldn't be a bad thing.


A Poem by siobhan

not too sure on this one
queen of sidewalks

queen of sidewalks

A Poem by Yahallo

I always wonder about strangers. Who are they? What's their life like?
The Sleepy Ladybug

The Sleepy Ladybug

A Poem by Debbie Barry

Just another nursery rhyme that drifted through my head.


A Poem by Ebb and Flow

I have been stripped to the bone salt thrown on my wounds and yet, I still breath my heart still beats I still love even when I know it co..
white wall

white wall

A Poem by Yahallo

Half of the days I feel like a white wall. People are so used to me they don't even notice me.
Time and Space

Time and Space

A Poem by G.W. Saitreux

a reflection
Broken Down

Broken Down

A Poem by Lovecraft

The earth breaking a man down.
The Snowy Hike

The Snowy Hike

A Poem by G.W. Saitreux

entry into a ten-word contest