Tags : Afterlife

Stray Karma

Stray Karma

A Book by Ava

Aubrey and Jamie are two servers who work at Stray Karma, a cafe that is set on the edge of the afterlife. Their spiritual journey is threatened when ..
The Void

The Void

A Story by Mohab El-Sobky

Just open and see for yourself
The Alchemist

The Alchemist

A Story by Mati

This is a very short story about a possible afterlife.
The Palace of Red and Violet Clouds (First Person)

The Palace of Red and Violet Clouds (First Person)

A Story by Cait

I had stumbled across a poem written by a great grand father of unknown greats. It was about his young 6 month old grand daughter who died of spinal m..
The place my dragons hide

The place my dragons hide

A Book by Ferir

A lonely teenager enters his imaginary ideal world and realizes that his choices inside can affect the world around him.
Dream World #1: Welcome to your [new] life, part 1

Dream World #1: Welcome to your [new] life, part 1

A Story by Mike Schmornoff

Azriel, a 17-year-old Florida boy, has died and discovers something shocking in the afrterlife.
An Epiphany

An Epiphany

A Poem by Gerry Legister

Afterlife experience


A Story by Jason Endfield

Between lives


A Story by Peter Rogerson

Prehistoric times are a great resource for the imagination....


A Story by Peter Rogerson

All Abrahamic faiths play a similar tune and I wonder who decided on the first note....
Serento's Promise

Serento's Promise

A Story by Mitch

This is one of the very first stories I wrote. It's about life after death for a little girl and the spirit of a very introspective, reflective tree. ..
Broken Dolls

Broken Dolls

A Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

We are born to life, and we live to die.
To Be a Ghost

To Be a Ghost

A Poem by Stephen Beneschan

How does it feel to be separate from the world?
The Scrying Chair

The Scrying Chair

A Story by Pete Fisher

A piece of Flash Fiction, written to explore my soul.
The Door

The Door

A Story by Carrie Ann G

As a writer, I have a thing for zombies; stories about man’s hopeless plight against the flesh-hungry once-humans only to succumb (to the vi..
Memento mori

Memento mori

A Story by DVMDV8

A new perspective on the classic ghost tale. Any and all feedback much appreciated.

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...