Tags : Dad

The life I wish I had

The life I wish I had

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

Home is where the heart is


A Book by Bri

Welcome to the life of Shadow. He lives in a dimension that we are so familiar with yet know nothing about. Care to join and see his life unfold befor..
Heaven Bound

Heaven Bound

A Poem by Desi's Journey

This A Poem About My Dad Who Passed Away When I Was In 3rd Grade.


A Poem by Samantha Greene

He’s a sheep In this field of gold Oh and we weep No memory can be sold. Please stay And I’ll sing you a song. Th..
I have much less to be thankful for

I have much less to be thankful for

A Poem by Randy Johnson

This Thanksgiving I have much less to be thankful for. Much less than I did just one year before. When I lost Mom in March, I lost my mother and my ..
My Daddy's Face

My Daddy's Face

A Story by poppydaisy

Dedicated to my dear dad.
Letter to My Father

Letter to My Father

A Poem by MakeshiftRose

Just another rich white girl with Daddy issues? No. Stop.


A Poem by Jackielyn Ched

For the most important man in my life...


A Chapter by Bri

Welcome to Edith's world of being a man. She has been sent to America along with her brother. She's a woman in desquise, but soon, her manly mask will..
Not Going To Lie.

Not Going To Lie.

A Poem by Bri

Just some feelings I feel towards bullying.
Just A Boy?

Just A Boy?

A Book by Bri

Welcome to Edith Schmidt's life of being a German man. She's pretending to be a man for her family's entry into America. The Americans have found out ..
Chocolate Robots

Chocolate Robots

A Poem by Bri

Friend and I are giving each other hard topics to make poems out of. Care to read or join us?
Chapter two

Chapter two

A Chapter by Amanda J Hopwood

Chapter 2 The next week went by in a blur for Cassidy; classes had started back up and she was able to pick some extra hours at the booksto..