Tags : Gods

Nudes of Chastity

Nudes of Chastity

A Poem by SyberRose

How wondrous are the shadows and lunar light? as they embrace in the wilderness of the dark~ The heartbeat of the wind softly..
Century (The Immortal Olympians #1)

Century (The Immortal Olympians #1)

A Book by Lena Rossmore

When the gods are at war, who will save us?


A Chapter by Lena Rossmore

A storm is brewing on the horizon.
Isis without Osiris

Isis without Osiris

A Poem by Ang Boyce

Isis = feminine strength, deep caring about relationships, acceptance of our emotional depths, the act of creating life, and the wisdom surrounding re..


A Chapter by Kyle J. Lawson

A sour shadow seeps into the world.


A Chapter by S.T. Gulik

This comes a little over halfway through the book. Max is coming down from a strong hallucinogenic cocktail, and finds himself once again at the mercy..
The Fire Orb

The Fire Orb

A Book by Andy~

A prophecy. An artifact that disappeared. A rival vampire group who needed to be hunted down. A trio of vampires who will save the day. A tale of roma..
Chapter One: Agony

Chapter One: Agony

A Chapter by Andy~

“With the cataclysm raining down, Insides crying 'Save me now', You were there, impossibly alone.” ~Iridescent, Linkin Park Th..
Twin Sun Series: Musing #2

Twin Sun Series: Musing #2

A Story by buoyantMaureen

Excerpt from novel "Soothsayer" - Restless in her cell, Fern finds unexpected comfort.
The Everatumn: Part I

The Everatumn: Part I

A Story by Kyle J. Lawson

This is an experimentation with two characters I created.
A Brief Brilliance

A Brief Brilliance

A Poem by Ken Simm.

The stone

The stone

A Story by EveThreshold

This is actually a dream i had once, but the shortened version


A Story by linda m. crate

A dark and twisted love story. Murder, betrayal, and death of a god. First published on Boyslut.
The Island

The Island

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

They’d all set off for an island, that Was fifty miles off the coast, They were only going to stay a day And a night, or two at..


A Chapter by STAR CHILD

PERKUMAS Perkumas a thunder Is sounded Booming through the air A fright resounds Every step there is a Boom Thunder Is he..