

A Poem by roses

I take a very honest approach to life and how I choose to live it. I'd rather do and feel things in a real and raw way. Rather than portray what I thi..
Dynamic Personalities

Dynamic Personalities

A Poem by Stacy Purvis

Mental AttractionDynamic People AttractMany Walks Of Life


A Story by Marshmaro

"Nobody said it was ever easy."
Stillness Disrupted, an Afterthought

Stillness Disrupted, an Afterthought

A Story by Eileen

Abstracted reflections on how others have attempted to shake me from my natural way of being, to disrespect my free solidarity, and to gain my attenti..
I love,....

I love,....

A Poem by Maria

Just came up out of the blue, so wrote it as it came, hope you enjoy.


A Poem by Faryal

How the animal "snake" can relate to a personality
Hum Drum

Hum Drum

A Poem by Vria P Crow

"Numb rum, the ultimate drum..."
Poem about Me

Poem about Me

A Poem by Maria

for contest about oneself.


A Poem by G

What is it to be 'Deep' ?
The New Look

The New Look

A Poem by Gerry Legister

New hairstyle for the same personality