Tags : kill

A Widow's Tale

A Widow's Tale

A Story by TK

A short story about a struggling widow


A Stage Play by Lorian Hennessiah

I wrote this from a padded cell, in an asylum for the insane. On my skin, on the walls, in my head, and wherever else I could write.
I loved her so much I killed her

I loved her so much I killed her

A Poem by MandaBear

Multi-personality. I kinda thought of someone talking to themselves after they killed someone. Let me know what you think.
Wave of Murder

Wave of Murder

A Poem by MandaBear

someone doesn't make it out alive
Looks can kill

Looks can kill

A Poem by MandaBear

I took Socrates quote "Beauty is a short lived Tyranny" and turned it into this poem i hope you like it :)


A Poem by Will

Anger: a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.


A Poem by Will

Her beautiful blonde hair Ripped from her cold, dead scalp Her glassy, perfect green eyes Plucked from their very sockets Smooth, flawless..


A Poem by Patricia Williams

When the lone wolf cries, The stars shine in the heavens. Tonight he will kill.
Judy O'Ree

Judy O'Ree

A Poem by Will

I wanna tell you the story of a dear old friend of mine. Her name was Judy O'Ree, and damn was that girl fine! She had locks of gold and eyes of ..
Broken Trap

Broken Trap

A Poem by LETitBeKnown

One look was all it took to turn awayA smile that plead guilty lies As I watched your lips moveA face that I once lovedAnd it was every reason to run..
Apex Predator

Apex Predator

A Poem by Commanda Panda

I’m like a cockroach; you couldn’t kill me if you crushed me Consider yourself lucky if I don’t murder you like Chucky Onl..
Play Kill

Play Kill

A Poem by Daniel Eaves

A protest against giving children violent toys and games
The waltz of death

The waltz of death

A Poem by L259

The white vintage dress I’m wearing this time, The alluring, blood stained sickle is this night my partner to crime. Performing a gentle..
The Great Wolf

The Great Wolf

A Poem by L259

the big things & the little things

the big things & the little things

A Poem by Israfell

a poem about the little things and the big things in life and that even if they go wrong, it doesn't mean you can't make it work.