Tags : Royalty

Prince of Flowers

Prince of Flowers

A Chapter by Isemay

Vaeri had wanted the dress to be brown, but the dressmaker wouldn’t hear of it. The flowers were the same tiny blue blossoms she used to see in ..
Word of honor

Word of honor

A Chapter by Isemay

Halvhandt approached from behind as she laughed and spoke with the Blumenprinz. He knew her voice and he longed to get close enough to smell the hint ..
A dance

A dance

A Chapter by Isemay

Vaeri didn’t want to dance or drink with him, but it would be worth it to be done with him. A Meazyr’s word of honor held weight. She relu..
A drink

A drink

A Chapter by Isemay

Halvhandt was proud of his victory at Vells. He had beaten the Draimenan back into their stronghold. When they came to treat he gave them the opportun..
An Answer

An Answer

A Chapter by Isemay

By the time the bottle was finished she felt drunk and giddy. Like Tandas she found herself having difficulty staying upright and the scarred Meazyr P..
Peace of Pearlion

Peace of Pearlion

A Chapter by Isemay

She stumbled from the tent into the pale light of morning, her rumpled gown soaked with the spray of green-black blood. His knife was sharp, and even ..
Prince of Flowers

Prince of Flowers

A Book by Isemay

More noodling.


A Chapter by Isemay

The sound of children playing echoed through the late afternoon air, mothers were calling out for their own to return to be washed before the evening ..


A Chapter by Isemay

By the time they reached the Seat, and Commander Eshenesra had handed off his horse to be tended, Ianthe had managed to run a damp cloth over Vaeri&rs..
The tale

The tale

A Chapter by Isemay

“Long ago in the hills above the five clear lakes lived a great King with many sons. They were strong and bold, fierce and fiery. All except one..
City of the Dead

City of the Dead

A Book by Isemay

My brain is entirely made of noodles. Butcher of Vells is the first, Prince of Flowers is the second this is the third. Bits and pieces of a world tha..
Called to Court

Called to Court

A Chapter by Isemay

There are no peaceful soulsWhere the soldier’s daughter growsThough the city of the dead smells so sweetThe keepers of the dead call the names u..


A Chapter by Isemay

Prince Tanric was annoyed. It was more than his usual peevishness today, his father King Tannon had sent for the soldier and his daughter. His sister ..
Outside the walls

Outside the walls

A Chapter by Isemay

Commander Eshenesra rode out through the smallest of the city gates. He refused to allow the great gate to be opened with the Meazyr forces camped out..


A Chapter by Isemay

Lieutenant Commander Omedvei had been waiting for his chance. Prince Tanric had told him at the first sign that Commander Eshenesra wavered in his res..


A Chapter by Isemay

Tanric had tried to send men to reopen Vells, it was in a strategic location and he wanted the city filled with soldiers again. The few hardy souls wh..
The Lord and the Smither

The Lord and the Smither

A Poem by Goulden Bean

On the Snobbery of Princes and the Wisdom of Workingmen


A Book by Isemay

Something that just bubbled up. Unfinished.


A Chapter by Isemay

Malav turned the long slender black staff in his hands. It was not the blade of his father nor the double headed axe of his grandfather. It was an ins..