Tags : heart+break

The Colour Maroon

The Colour Maroon

A Poem by Briony Bryant

Was close to putting back the piecesWhen he crashed into my life.Without any consideration or remorsehe Watched me shatter across the floor.And before..
Peace For The One's That Have Suffered

Peace For The One's That Have Suffered

A Poem by Marie A. Maya

Tell me about the lines that dance down your ribs and across your sunken stomach And the ones that climb up your wrist to your inner elbow li..
Something You Shouldn't Experience

Something You Shouldn't Experience

A Poem by Marie A. Maya

I was just a sad girl with a foolish mind. You were just a boy who wanter anything more than to feel the touch of another. And just like that, jus..
For Her

For Her

A Poem by FlatLineBeauty

The last poem for "Elle"... she came back and killed me the final time...


A Poem by Briony Bryant

I carved your name into a wooden bench because better that than my own skin. I’d rather listen to the sound of your bones break than the soun..
I Have Lived In An Important Place...

I Have Lived In An Important Place...

A Story by DarkRainbowPie

I received an English assignment recently; ''Write a composition entitled 'I Have Lived In An Important Place''... so, here's my interpretation of tha..
One for the road

One for the road

A Poem by YongBuddha

The broken in places.


A Poem by Briony Bryant

I hope she can still taste me inside of your mouth, buried deep inside of you, swimming through every vain, choking your heart.


A Poem by Briony Bryant

they said I couldn’t run away from my problems so I ran until the soles of my shoes burned off and my feet bled because I would rather die a ..


A Poem by Cerise

A mistake that cost a lot but an important lesson was learned...hurting a person for that persons good, Indeed is a very tiring process...
Blessed are the Damned

Blessed are the Damned

A Poem by gardens and graveyards

A poem I wrote after thinking about all the whacky episodes I've had with my relationships with people.
Each Others Bad Bargain

Each Others Bad Bargain

A Poem by Nicholas Phillips

A short expression of a friendship gone wrong.
The Missing Wall

The Missing Wall

A Story by DeadWolf

A journey through death and spirituality.
Misery of a Heart Break

Misery of a Heart Break

A Story by Stephanie

The stages of a break up. How a woman is affected. The unanswered questions, the misery, and the pain.
Give or Take

Give or Take

A Poem by Kyra

I wrote this when I was 15 about a guy I was madly in love with..


A Story by My Favorite Writer !

Retrospection of things I had done, and how things went bad in my relationship
Tell me, how do you do it?

Tell me, how do you do it?

A Poem by The Broken Beauty

Tell me, how do you do it?Drop me.Ignore me.Pretend I wasn't there.Call me.Adore me.Tell me you care.Love me.Kiss me.Tell me I'm your only.Forget me.B..