Tags : ANGER

I Could Let this Anger.

I Could Let this Anger.

A Poem by L.E.Osborne

A very old poem.
A Son and Wife's Betrayal

A Son and Wife's Betrayal

A Poem by Randy Johnson

All my lousy son cared about was getting laid.I had to pick up the pieces after I was betrayed.I should've known something was wrong because of how th..
Burning Bridges

Burning Bridges

A Poem by willbradley

It's about the complicated relationship we have with destructive behavior. Sometimes, destroying something is good for you, sometimes it isn't. It's a..
Deep Wounds

Deep Wounds

A Poem by Lisa C

Some Memories cause pain always
For The Last Time

For The Last Time

A Poem by Lisa C

You put your hands on me for the last time. free at last, perhaps. Safe at least a bad time a good many years ago, now I still try to come to terms
Demon lays

Demon lays

A Poem by grace

just like the grinning demon lays...
Grief Strikes!

Grief Strikes!

A Poem by Caroline

This piece is about my relationship with my father and a specific event that wasn't traumatic because of the event but because of the way it was handl..
does death merely stop for no one?

does death merely stop for no one?

A Poem by Bones-Guts-and-Flowers

Claude Monet still painted as his sight was fading Moving from bright colors and distinct lines To muddiness and a vague sense of what you are suppo..


A Poem by Diamond Dunbar

Sometimes you have to get real with yourself!
It Doesn't Deteriorate

It Doesn't Deteriorate

A Poem by Ian

You were my first kiss Back when everything felt like such a big deal Because it was all we knew I had a dream about you last night And I wish I c..
I Can't Be Angry

I Can't Be Angry

A Poem by Ian

tw: sexual assault


A Poem by Ian

She was so angry She just couldn’t understand Why I cut my hair
Always Read The Laybull

Always Read The Laybull

A Poem by TaffRaff

My current frustration with the current affairs and how we the people are deceived, misinformed and lied to.The destruction of nature and the genocide..
All In a Tone

All In a Tone

A Poem by LeslieNoel

I hate arguing and so decided to turn it in a poem to cope.
The Play

The Play

A Story by melindaerinwrites

A young girl walks alone down dark and deserted halls, the setting shifting behind her as backstage crew skillfully manipulate their art - ominous o..
Let Me Know When You Are Finished

Let Me Know When You Are Finished

A Story by B. Stearns

Of siblings moving out.
the sick smile at you

the sick smile at you

A Poem by Karina Lindner

surviving a pandemic, several lockdowns, a world turned on it's head -it has been awful to be honest, and sometimes i pray to a non existent god that ..