Tags : Music

How music can change the world~

How music can change the world~

A Poem by .

Meaning to write this for awhile. How music can truly change people, as it became a cope for me.


A Poem by Ty



A Poem by Rubein Geterminah

The music of this immortal- who has been silenced through the ages is of serenity.
Saying Goodbye (Song)

Saying Goodbye (Song)

A Poem by Brooklin

A song I wrote about loss of someone I loved dearly


A Poem by reveurdecafe

Poetry about bow technique (for the viola)
Branna's Voice

Branna's Voice

A Book by B.A. Radiant

A young woman with Selective Mutism finds her voice through the healing power of music.
The Rhythm of a Lifetime

The Rhythm of a Lifetime

A Poem by Tai Ryens

Chopin - Ballade 1 Op. 23. Alternatively, L (blue).


A Poem by TheUnrulyWriter

I wish I could have your hair in my hairYour skin on my bloody fleshMy bones are brittle and weak and youngYours are wise and grownBut most of all, I ..


A Poem by gabiaimee

I don’t believe you’re real yet.You materialized out of nothinglike some punk-rock hallucinationon the best trip I’ve ever had.When ..


A Poem by Araine

Lyrics to a song I wrote a long time ago. Quite generic but I liked it.
Through the Reed

Through the Reed

A Poem by Footprints al carbon

Music is Poetry in motion.
Drink Me, Fill Me

Drink Me, Fill Me

A Poem by transentience

Screaming at myself again New age in a crawl Shadows creeping in my head Mind--the victim Subverted thought Excuse my laughter Mrs. Jack ..


A Poem by Patches_OB

The fiddler wiped the shards of sweat from his brow,And then took a rest,While his brother tuned his instrument accordingly,And the room readily died...
Petals of a Lazy Daisy

Petals of a Lazy Daisy

A Story by B

Reaching out it's roots through sombrero shadeDelicately petals whistle through a breezeBravely shy to the touch slowly turningSearching for the morni..
Winter Nightmare [Novel]

Winter Nightmare [Novel]

A Book by Wølfy

A group of girls that have the most oddest phobias start a metal band. The road they travel will not be easy as they learn to get along with each othe..
Edgy Teen Writer Explores Online Writing Community

Edgy Teen Writer Explores Online Writing Community

A Story by buzzkill kazoo

I dare you to make it through this. Looking for general feedback and whatever comments you feel like leaving. Chips and soda will be served at the end..


A Poem by Li Yan

It's like climbing a white staircaseAnd seeking the flowing clouds at the top.It's like spreading your wingsAnd taking flight for the first time in ce..


A Poem by Ty

Afro-Cuban Jazz


A Poem by Rubein Geterminah
