Love Strikes


A Poem by angel

Love strikes away the chains of fear, when I walk into a room. I clip my wings and fly as a nightmare screams of a shadow in sight.
Unknown love

Unknown love

A Poem by melopanda

I just had to let this out.


A Story by Deason

Inspired by a personal experience, twisted by a personal fear.
The Birth Pangs

The Birth Pangs

A Poem by Satish Verma

It is now. The call of unknown.
He'll Come Back

He'll Come Back

A Poem by Whisty_x

My dad passed away when I was 12. I can never express my love for him through words, but I hope this gives even the slightest of insights to the confu..
Last Meal

Last Meal

A Story by Nathan Fretz

A prisoner eats his last meal before his execution.
Melencouly of Uncertainty

Melencouly of Uncertainty

A Poem by Starwolf

It's been a while since I wrote poetry, but I came up with this peice over night & decided to start trying poetry again. Tell me what y'all think


A Poem by GwenLark

This is for my best friend, Amanda.
Going Back

Going Back

A Poem by Eliott

A poem one of my alters wrote about integrating


A Poem by Soumya Deouskar

Reflecting what we are today.
Is this poem worth titling?

Is this poem worth titling?

A Poem by J.Sin

2017.11.10 @ 21:27
The tale of the unbeknownst...

The tale of the unbeknownst...

A Poem by Hazrah

Embrace the unknown


A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

walking into darkness
The Transition

The Transition

A Poem by Natasha

~Journal Entry~ Corresponds to "Mystery Boy"
The person I want to be

The person I want to be

A Poem by Olivier

Who am I...?
Never Meant To Be Known

Never Meant To Be Known

A Poem by Lovecraft

This one is open to interpretation.


A Poem by Gams

If it were that simple to be just normal, To be 'Just Friends' ,�'� When we were always more than that. And everyone knew t..