Tags : feelings

The Deep End of the Pool (It's Shark Week)

The Deep End of the Pool (It's Shark Week)

A Poem by Rallaa

This is something I wrote a month or more ago that I posted on deviantArt.
Relation-less Relationship

Relation-less Relationship

A Poem by Chinmay BlackBird

(Written in the bus on my way from Wipro Gate to SilkBoard, Bangalore on 1st April, 7:00pm) the feelings of mine..


A Poem by kayla

poem about my feelings
time taking

time taking

A Poem by Rante_Anglin

there is a storm brewing,now raging deep inside.these decisions switching,doors closing what they hide.sorry is a word i use the most lately,sorry is ..
Why can't we be

Why can't we be

A Poem by teresa

A poem to this girl because I can't seem to move on and she's the only one on my mind Yes, maybe a little cliche but I like it cause I’m a los..
Locked In

Locked In

A Poem by Ali

A half life lived for a brave man. RIP Tony Nicklinson


A Poem by felioness



A Poem by Joshua Lobdell

So this was a break up poem I found in one of my binders...When I took out all of the swearing and re-wrote the second part It is now about a unpleasa..
Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom

A Poem by Zombie Dutcher

My mom's birthday was on August 19th and i was up in northern idaho. I wrote her this for her birthday.


A Poem by The King

A poem about loneliness
That Feeling.

That Feeling.

A Poem by Lioness

Love from a different perspective.
What Matters Most

What Matters Most

A Poem by Ireca

Things and objects can never make us happy.
If Only Her Heart Was Visible

If Only Her Heart Was Visible


The heart needs to see what the eyes already do!
In despair

In despair

A Poem by Milissa Mukade

When I wrote this I was having an off day. I suffer from bouts of depression and was suggested that I write my feelings when it happens.


A Poem by Kris

Locked feelings.