Tags : gold

My sweet child

My sweet child

A Story by Jasmine

Parents love.
The Boy by the Lake

The Boy by the Lake

A Book by Nugget of Gold

The lake down by young Emmaline Blackwell's house was her place of privacy. When a new boy in the neighbourhood discovers it, seven days with him beca..
Golden promise

Golden promise

A Poem by Surabhi Kaushik

Some flowers make their presence felt without making a noise. Just like some people do too. Quiet but strong, they make their importance felt by makin..
5 Things to Know Before Taking a Gold Loan

5 Things to Know Before Taking a Gold Loan

A Story by maxgoldrefining

With increasing inflation, recent economy has taken a downturn and many people are looking towards firms that offer loan against gold and other luxury..
An Ode To Chivalry

An Ode To Chivalry

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This is an ode to the age of chivalry.
Sunrise Through a Chainlink Fence

Sunrise Through a Chainlink Fence

A Poem by Jonathan W

a man seated on a paint chipped wooden bench behind a seldom used backstop drags the tip of his shoe in the expose..
Chaotic Drips

Chaotic Drips

A Story by Blake Francis

Viewing an abstract painting stirs varying emotions, Thomas Berry knows that all too well.
Metal Rusting

Metal Rusting

A Poem by Richard Mueller

Rusting and growing weaker
The Last Faberge`s The Curse Of Nicholas II

The Last Faberge`s The Curse Of Nicholas II

A Story by Dr. Tim Williams

A chapter in the book The Last Faberge`


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

A little philosophising whilst three wise men discuss the baby's future and the crippled soldier becomes pessimistic...


A Poem by Tony Jordan

Our precious
Fool's Gold

Fool's Gold

A Poem by Jesse Booker

Hear the fat cat playing his flute As I dance and sing in my monkey suit The children laugh, their parents amused The cat takes the gold, his soul ..
Port Royal

Port Royal

A Poem by Gerry Legister

The haunted world under water
A train in late summer.

A train in late summer.

A Story by Thinking Anonymously

Discriptive writing.