ILLUSIONS - an amateur's poem

ILLUSIONS - an amateur's poem

A Chapter by Rory Marlow

What is this world without illusions? Stories that fill the blank spaces of our lives that however don't have an end. And end we desperately crave to ..
THE ICY VEIL - A Personal Experience

THE ICY VEIL - A Personal Experience

A Chapter by Rory Marlow

It's cold in there...why am I the only one to notice?
Out of Reach

Out of Reach

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Shock 😮 for everyone
We're Slowly Drifting Apart

We're Slowly Drifting Apart

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

The poem talks about the trials of love.
The Burning Sun

The Burning Sun

A Poem by MrBeardM

One more day, to live.
Writer's Block

Writer's Block

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a poem about a writer who is not in the mood to write.
The Hardest Thing to Tell Her

The Hardest Thing to Tell Her

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a special poem of love for straight woman.
Sapphire Thoughts

Sapphire Thoughts

A Poem by Poetic Beauty


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