Tags : Marriage

The Three Kingdoms: Timeworn Romances

The Three Kingdoms: Timeworn Romances

A Book by Ana Drake

*Dynasty Warriors Fan-Fiction*
Open Wounds (Inside and Out)

Open Wounds (Inside and Out)

A Story by Ms Oddity

The full version of one of my more recent stories- the tale of a girl who's about to be wed in a warped sort of Earth.
Keep Them Safe, He Said

Keep Them Safe, He Said

A Story by Libby Carsons

A short story on a 'marriage' gone awry with a mixture of a peculiar foot fetish.
Xiahou Dun Pt_1

Xiahou Dun Pt_1

A Chapter by Ana Drake

* Attention* If your not familiar with dynasty warriors, the romance of the three kingdoms, or just ancient Chinese wars in general then your going to..
Wishing Well

Wishing Well

A Poem by Quilled_Penman

Sometimes when you meet the right person, you know it.
The Demented

The Demented

A Poem by Quilled_Penman

A tale of love gone wrong, from a woman's point of view after being cheated on.
Fall Away

Fall Away

A Screenplay by tmb219

This is the latest short script I have written about a married couple whose lives are thrown completely off course one lovely day in a pumpkin patch.
More Scoops of Sugar

More Scoops of Sugar

A Screenplay by tmb219

This is the first and only animation short script I have written. I combined a few of my favorite things....dogs and the beach...to make unique charac..
Buddy or the Bell Jar

Buddy or the Bell Jar

A Story by Bellamorte

Based on the book 'The Bell Jar' by Sylvia Plath. Esther is 20 years in the future, the night before she is supposed to marry Buddy Willard.
My Darling, My Love, My Forever

My Darling, My Love, My Forever

A Poem by Quilled_Penman

When I see you, I see my forever in your arms.
For the Love of Family

For the Love of Family

A Book by Ari McLeren

Gerard was the second son of a second son. This was never supposed to be his world. Now he is stuck choosing between love and duty, and if he isn't ca..
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Ari McLeren

Gerard walked slowly through the camp at night. Row after row of tents was full of drunk, drowsy or sleeping soldiers, all enjoying their recent vic..
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Ari McLeren

There are moments of true peace that can sneak up on people if they aren’t looking. Gerard was experiencing such a moment as he lay in bed wit..
Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Ari McLeren

Standing in the tent before the messenger, Levi watched Gerard carefully as his eyes darkened and his grip on the paper grew so tight his knuckles b..
Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Ari McLeren

For two days the party followed the southern road as it slowly moved inward from the eastern border. On the third day they left the road entirely to..
Chapter Five

Chapter Five

A Chapter by Ari McLeren

A few more moments of silence passed before the oldest girl turned to face them once more, her straw colored hair moved gently with the wind.“..
Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by Ari McLeren

Gerard froze, processing the implications of those words. Kolblim must have been a town of at least two hundred, possibly more. How was it possible ..
Immiscible Pairs

Immiscible Pairs

A Story by jimagain

To the unfortunate spectator, they must have presented an apparent contradiction of reason. Beneath the thin veneer of civility was an incompatible mi..
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Ari McLeren

Chapter Seven As their designated hour came to a close, Gerard and Levi emerged from their room, prepared to learn as much as they could. Th..