Tags : coming+of+age

Loving Lenore

Loving Lenore

A Book by L. C. Rhodes

Collection of stories from a veterinary student. About life, love, and four legged friends. I suppose its kind of like a James Herriot novel, but I'll..
The Night and The Silence

The Night and The Silence

A Book by nicmcc

An exploration of friendship with all the usual hurdles of being young: death, hedonism, violence and enough gin to pickle a man. Every story begins w..
The Elastic Band

The Elastic Band

A Story by SLOVA

In a beautiful village, simple in design but explosive with color, five children played together inthe rickety schoolhouse near the river. Sweetheart ..
The Crack In the Eggshell

The Crack In the Eggshell

A Book by Hannah Yusuf

High school is never easy. And when you live in a small town and your father is dead, it’s not any easier.
A New Perspective

A New Perspective

A Book by briget_01

When Josh, a young teenager, finds friendship with a strange new kid, he begins to realize how much uncertainty is in his life. Weather Josh is ready ..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by briget_01

The sound of an annoying buzz echoed through Josh’s ears as it awoke him. He flipped over in his bed, pulling his red sheet over his head. His..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by briget_01

The school looked almost empty when the old truck pulled up. The only cars in parking lot were of teachers and miscellaneous students that were trai..
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Mark Alexander Boehm

Just short of 16 years after the events in the prologue, we get to experience what it's like to be an introverted, slowly maturing Candice Cornell fro..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by MeratheRestless

Quietly Sage eased the door of the master bedroom open and tried to walk noiselessly across the floor trying to remember where the chair her father ..
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Mark Alexander Boehm

Who even likes pep rallies? Well, this one's different.


A Story by Lavender

Some things can't last forever. Maybe it's time to come to terms with our end.
Half Year

Half Year

A Screenplay by AJ_Of_Ultron

Three super powered teens try making the most of their last days in high school together before the go off to college. Not your average comic book ..
Summer Fling: Love at First Sight?

Summer Fling: Love at First Sight?

A Chapter by SummerFling

SUMMER FLING follows the story of fourteen-year-old Bryn who, for the first time in her privileged life, is ready to experience all the temptations Th..