Tags : POEMS



A Poem by Insatiable Writer

Being addicted to someone.
Do not feel at all

Do not feel at all

A Poem by supernova_thoughts

I think I've been tryinghardTo sound good in my wordsTo sound pleasing to peoplewho actually do not careI've tried to bring understandingMake my mind ..
The Feelings

The Feelings

A Poem by Blossom

Just a little something
Roll Of The Dice

Roll Of The Dice

A Poem by Carl Douglas Sinderby

I wrote this poem thinking about the manner and issues of this current economic climate.
Mr Putin

Mr Putin

A Poem by Carl Douglas Sinderby

my short thoughts on this man and his actions.
Talk between parallels

Talk between parallels

A Poem by supernova_thoughts

I am sure You felt it too Myself splitting In various colors I was not aware of The occurrence By the time I got hold I..
a tiger vengeance

a tiger vengeance

A Poem by godlucifer

a tiger’s lure


A Poem by KTLG

When two souls who once existed as a whole, are no longer one.


A Poem by Lonicera

First poem of many to be soon added into a book of poems called who cares
a claim of a universe

a claim of a universe

A Poem by godlucifer

the direction of the universe
My Shadow

My Shadow

A Poem by Quietstorm

This poem was inspired by Carl Jung's theory of "The Shadow"
a player’s skill set

a player’s skill set

A Poem by godlucifer

a set of skill is a set of skill set
By diving to the end of the era.

By diving to the end of the era.

A Poem by Someshwar Gurumath

I do not wish to reveal the sense of poem through the description
poems of dark and light: hope for everything expect nothing

poems of dark and light: hope for everything expec..

A Book by Tommi

This is my first book with my poems. I have been working on these my whole life pretty much. I write in english because I enjoy the english languange...
Why I Wanna Leave

Why I Wanna Leave

A Poem by Alemway

This song is about relationships that are destructive and you just want to leave that messy situation and you do not know how.
My Heart

My Heart

A Poem by Alemway

This Poem Is All About When You Are Just Feeling Lost And You Feel Like People Do Not Understand You.
Go To Church

Go To Church

A Poem by Alemway

Honestly, This Song/Poem Is about your relationship with god and how much you hate him because you got into a really bad relationship.