Tags : superhero



A Chapter by Geoffrey Park

Somewhere, deep in the city of Shanghai… B..But Guy fieri-San, please don’t take-a mein father’s poptarts!” As the shivering,..


A Story by SGCool

A supervillain faces his greatest foe: child labor laws.
The Consequences of Dumping SuperGirl

The Consequences of Dumping SuperGirl

A Poem by Randy Johnson

I dumped SuperGirl because her b***s are hard as rocks.They are literally harder than concrete cinder blocks.I should've known they were hard because ..
Taming of Cat Ryu

Taming of Cat Ryu

A Story by Lawrence Kinden

The fury of a dragon, the willfulness of a cat--her mentor's methods no longer work. [Story Depicts Spanking]
Just For One Day

Just For One Day

A Book by SGCool

Quickdraw and Meteor defend Nova City against evil. Quickdraw may or may not be in love with a girl who wants to kill him and a dark figure swears ven..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by SGCool

Our first brush with Roger, the dapper sociopath.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by SGCool

In which we learn about illegal drugs and the horrors of the food service industry.
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by SGCool

We meet our heroes and learn of a particularly heinous black market trade.
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by SGCool

In which Roger is a little disappointed.
Rigalios de Pequeñón

Rigalios de Pequeñón

A Book by Duke Travers

Weeks after a tsunami strikes the planet's capital, The Urlarez's are struck by a different sort of impact that has the rurally-residing family seeing..
The Ashen Rise

The Ashen Rise

A Story by JackDante

A story in progress starring a boy named Rian who struggles to control his ability. Based in a world were Gods now live among us.
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by SGCool

A daring escape is staged, a horrible bus ride takes place, and Meteor and Quickdraw meet possibly the most pathetic villain ever.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by SGCool

Roger pays a friendly visit to a research facility.
The Jammin' James Saga

The Jammin' James Saga

A Book by Kat

A series of semi chronological stories about the super hero Jammin' James. Gifted with guitar powers, James picks up the mantel of superhero when he j..
Trouble At Hero House

Trouble At Hero House

A Chapter by Kat

James Mercy was just a boy when he discovered his love for the guitar, but as he grows he discovers perhaps his skill isn't as normal as he pictured
Jupiter Dallas

Jupiter Dallas

A Stage Play by Lexi Melton

Eight year old Charlie uses his super hero imagination to deal with things from his day to day life. But can he defeat his arch nemesis Octobrains?
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by SGCool

Jake wants to be the very best (like no one ever was), and we experience a high velocity foot race.
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by SGCool

Roger gets some things done.
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by SGCool

Roger visits the nerd factory to check on his science.