Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Tags : Poetry

Saw Her Soaking In The Tub

Saw Her Soaking In The Tub

A Poem by Ohioman

A man is using this haiku poem to share what happened after a woman in a bathtub has caught him staring at her.
To Get My Mind Off Of Seeing Linda Naked

To Get My Mind Off Of Seeing Linda Naked

A Poem by Ohioman

This free verse poem is from the point of view of a guy who thinks that taking a shower would help him forget seeing a friend's lover in the nude.
Capture 30/7

Capture 30/7

A Poem by TheJordBaker

A quick freewrite this morning.
Into the Light

Into the Light

A Poem by TheJordBaker

As darkness comes into the light take your time, sink on down into one of your made up worlds, as the hottest rays sink into skin and change you t..
Cruel Dream

Cruel Dream

A Poem by Britt Foster

A decade, now, I’ve seen her there; A dream can be so cruel. For every time, I wake to find Her bound by Someone else’s rule. I di..
As She Looked At The Mirror

As She Looked At The Mirror

A Poem by Ohioman

This haiku poem is about what happens while a woman is looking at herself in a mirror.
Who He Saw By The Pool

Who He Saw By The Pool

A Poem by Ohioman

In this poem, a young man goes to a swimming pool to cool off only to run into someone who gives him other ideas.
The Things They Don't Tell You

The Things They Don't Tell You

A Poem by Ally Ann

Recently, I have been struck by this change
Some Will Learn, Some Won’t

Some Will Learn, Some Won’t

A Poem by Daniela

How you treat others will always come back to pat you on the shoulder, and when you turn around you’ll either get punched or hugged.
 ये ज़िंदगी

ये ज़िंदगी

A Poem by Learning Sutras

Read a beautifully written Hindi poetry ये ज़िंदगी
My life

My life

A Poem by Ben Robinson

The true story.
Are You Feeling Better Now?

Are You Feeling Better Now?

A Poem by Ohioman

This free verse poem is about how one half of a couple makes the other half cheer up after a bad day at work.
Simply Breathing

Simply Breathing

A Poem by TheJordBaker

The waves caress the sand like an unfinished overcoat, Maybe God got tired hands. I walked here years ago and wrote, feel it was once blue over ta..
When I Saw This Bikini Babe

When I Saw This Bikini Babe

A Poem by Ohioman

A man is using this haiku poem to share what happens after his encounter with a woman in a bikini.
Broken sunrise

Broken sunrise

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

Inspired by Affairs of the heart by E. Fictional love