Tags : Dreams

My dream Journal

My dream Journal

A Story by Maria

This is for the Dream contest, and since I constantly have vivid dreams will write of my own dreams.
What They Don't Tell You

What They Don't Tell You

A Poem by Jessica

In June, I lost a very close friend of mine to an overdose. I miss him terribly but have found, as I have progressed through my grieving process, that..
Tell me who you are

Tell me who you are

A Poem by Heilig

Amongst the whole cocktail barI feel like I'm a chair, not a starof every table every night,but I have seen a lot of fights.I'm useful, but I am not u..
Summer Fires

Summer Fires

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

A day which gave opportunity for personal introspection. We here in Oregon, Idaho, Washington watched this become a very serious summer for wild fires..
Sky Horses

Sky Horses

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

This was the first real poem I composed and at the time just tickled with. It has been formatted a little differently from its original version. Got t..
Mirror of Erised

Mirror of Erised

A Story by Maria

Taken from Harry Potter, decided to make my story about the mirror. For contest #8
Pocket dreams

Pocket dreams

A Poem by Kiki

When I slumber, it's you I dream of. Hazy breaths rushed on each others lips, fingers lost in lust, desperately grasping for ground, heart beating rap..


A Poem by Kate Z.

Sometimes I remember things I have never experienced. My mind wanders over roads I have not taken, Into meadows where I have never walked. How can ..
Looking Beyond

Looking Beyond

A Poem by Sabastian1122

For some the stars are a dream, for some the stars are a goal.


A Poem by Maria

For contest about DREAMS
Blue Dreams

Blue Dreams

A Poem by yuhee

Because all of her dreams are painted in blue.
Somebody new

Somebody new

A Poem by Lana

I really wish I was somebody newPeel off my layers and make me moveI don't want to lay around here and be so blueI'm so tired of being me I want someb..
Pan's Dances

Pan's Dances

A Poem by Ken Simm.

Walk the charms. Let the empty sounds of the stars enlighten you In the darkness, there are silver grey lights And frightened voices ..
Moving ahead

Moving ahead

A Chapter by Scribbles

The remodeling life it is like sculpting a new human again
The witches dream

The witches dream

A Story by tinflea

continued from my first story. the three witches look into the dreams of the Green Man
Where Thoughts End and Dreams Begin

Where Thoughts End and Dreams Begin

A Poem by Kailani

Eyes shutBreath steady as the white noise inside my headFingers coldGrasping tightly at the side of my bedWorries snatched by imagination's surreal em..