Tags : Content



A Poem by Kwiksie Ifediora

We all should have her.
The Parable of the Content Man

The Parable of the Content Man

A Story by Brenden Taylor

An original parable that explores the attitude of contentment.


A Poem by poeticsafari

Things sometime are covered


A Poem by Zach Knox

I hold everyonein contemptBut yet,I am exempt.Past feelings awakein a dream;I wake in a scream.And these urges havebegun to surgeIf only I find the co..
Changing Aura's: Mid-life Crisis

Changing Aura's: Mid-life Crisis

A Poem by Rose Masen

I'm too young, too inexperienced.All of this stress is really an inconvenience.My mind is scattered, thoughts running looselyI feel frozen yet in over..
A Life on Stilts

A Life on Stilts

A Poem by Chris Z

A life on stilts, A life below You feel so far from everyone, Always looking at those above, So distant So belittling B..
This Heart of Mine

This Heart of Mine

A Poem by Kenny N

just something i made up on the spot.


A Poem by Creativemama

Contentment Thanks for food on my table. Not everyone is able To gorge themselves, With more food on shelves. Gratitude for my loved ones. ..
with my head in the sand

with my head in the sand

A Poem by alien

Re-publication of "The Cremation of Sam McGee"

Re-publication of "The Cremation of Sam McGee"

A Poem by Jay Steitler

Contributing one of my favorite classic poems. Very pertinent for the record arctic blast about to befall part of the nation! Definitely NOT my work, ..
Florida Hammock Weather

Florida Hammock Weather

A Poem by PlantGluer

Not too hot, not too cold. It's that time of season, for you to be jealous.
Someone Special

Someone Special

A Poem by Carnation

~ to the me I wish to be
Back Home, My Heart

Back Home, My Heart

A Poem by Nicholas Antonio Young

I love all of you


A Story by k.victoria

I won’t remember today. In twenty years, five years, a year. It will be gone. I won’t remember the wind chimes, or the laughs from the c..
The Invasive Maneuver of Reading Books

The Invasive Maneuver of Reading Books

A Poem by kera moondust

I read a book about cancer patients and couldn't help but think of you... I'm sorry.
what's my name

what's my name

A Poem by Shirlena

frozen moments to reconcile obtain some of which parentage couldn’t produce never a set of deuces…just one another some..
Working on Nothing

Working on Nothing

A Poem by Rose Black

Content was something You could rarely achieve. Never mind anything Better than that.