Tags : Davison

For Our Own (Poem)

For Our Own (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Our home in our heart, we march to death's door...
The Teacher (Poem)

The Teacher (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Poem about my thirst for clarity.
Tears of Time (Poem)

Tears of Time (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Life to oblivion, edge to rock bottom...
Winter Escape (Poem)

Winter Escape (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Escape in to my embrace...
Bridges of Fire (Poem)

Bridges of Fire (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

I have come too far for these birds of death...
Life Debt (Poem)

Life Debt (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Sword sharpened, thoughts of vengeance, visions of blood and fear...
The Ruiner Pt.1 (Writing)

The Ruiner Pt.1 (Writing)

A Poem by Damien Davison

My hammer my one true reliable friend...
Ignore (Poem)

Ignore (Poem)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Ignore the effort, wasted time healing...
Temporary (Song)

Temporary (Song)

A Poem by Damien Davison

These days are temporary, always temporary...
Not Healing (Song)

Not Healing (Song)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Walk slowly, glass in feet, cuts so deep, not healing...
Lost in Life (Song)

Lost in Life (Song)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Lost in life, seize the day, trapped in time, dwelling on shame...
Finding A Way To Cope (Song)

Finding A Way To Cope (Song)

A Poem by Damien Davison

We just find a way to cope...
Daddy Don't Cry (Song)

Daddy Don't Cry (Song)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Daddy don't cry, no...
I Am You. (Writing)

I Am You. (Writing)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Retreating out of the corner of my eye was it's shadow...
3:05 AM (Writing)

3:05 AM (Writing)

A Poem by Damien Davison

Something I wrote on this quite night.

The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...