Tags : Psychotic

Uncle Deshaun Pt. 1

Uncle Deshaun Pt. 1

A Story by Ramal

It's PART of a story that I wrote some time ago in school. I loved writing it and received marvelous feedback so I figured why not post it here? I hop..
"The Way You Lie"

"The Way You Lie"

A Poem by Christoph Poe

This is probably one of my more graphic pieces. No, it's not a personal experience. Just things I've seen and exaggerated through my writing. Keep in ..
My Crazy Psychotic Love

My Crazy Psychotic Love

A Story by InsomniacWriter

Hymns were pinching the mourners’ ears with its torturous lyrics. My hand slid across the gold lining of the mahogany coloured coffin.I hall..
On Wings of White

On Wings of White

A Chapter by Blake

Daniel has murdered again, and now seeks heavenly peace from his favorite priest.
With Heart of Black

With Heart of Black

A Chapter by Blake

Headline: Pyromaniac Stops Crime


A Story by Enigma

The heaven he had come to know soon diffused into nothing but a ticking time bomb of regret, apathy and sick twisted acts of self mutilation that was ..
Holy Fire

Holy Fire

A Book by Blake

Saturday Surprise - Video, "Caldera"

Saturday Surprise - Video, "Caldera"

A Story by dw817

When you are off of your meds, you hear and see things that just aren't there - fantastic, frightening, beautiful, and magical. And you'd do anything ..
Past Ghosts of the Asylum

Past Ghosts of the Asylum

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

Inspired some by the poem (In)(Sane) written may 3,2014 at 5:26am


A Book by Dalton DuBois

A 21 year old man is the last remaining human being on Earth. This man's only remaining wish is to die, but something in his mind keeps him alive, wha..
miseryfest of haikus

miseryfest of haikus

A Poem by myrah shariff

5 part haiku series
Crimson Love

Crimson Love

A Poem by Terence Clay

A poem about the destruction of a Demon...or a psychotic murderer.


A Story by NRockmore

A man suffering the emotional devastation of a divorce finds a way of coping by severing his fingers, one at a time.
Nut House (Nurse's Notes Entry)

Nut House (Nurse's Notes Entry)

A Poem by AprilRN1210

from a psychiatric nurse's point of view
Hidden Beneath The Mask

Hidden Beneath The Mask

A Poem by Brittany Defranco

A woman takes sharing everything she loves and hates with one person too far