Tags : Humans

The Boy who got lost

The Boy who got lost

A Story by Ghoul

This is a tale about a boy that leaves home to explore the world, and the rest you'll havta read.
Endeavor's Run: The Hope Trilogy

Endeavor's Run: The Hope Trilogy

A Book by Tobin

A sci-fi adventure with strong metaphors for todays world
Endeavors Run: Foreword

Endeavors Run: Foreword

A Chapter by Tobin

The set chapter where we first meet the protagonist as a ten year old boy, and the subsequent events following his preternatural mother's death.
On Being Human

On Being Human

A Poem by Anabel Solano

Poem about human nature, its failure and growth.


A Poem by Charlie Leaf

Howl, announce, proclaim the flood's arrival No wall will waltz with the wake Every valley to be filled; viableHumanity has what nature will take
Curse on Nature

Curse on Nature

A Story by Hasventhran Baskaran

It's always had been us


A Poem by CookeCody

Problem Don't be afraid of mistakes, for you're the product of them all. Even if you don't believe in evolution, you cannot deny the fact that we w..
The Sandcastle

The Sandcastle

A Poem by Evan Scott

Drawing an analogy to a sandcastle and absurdism


A Story by Victoriana

-So what about your girlfriend? -What about her? -Well, should you not be doing this? -I’d like to refer to the previous song…..


A Poem by Drew Rose

"How can I pleasure myself?"The most selfish of creaturesWith selflessness just an arm's reach awayBut we are so smartThe peak of a mountainI slaughte..
Endeavors Run: Chapter Two

Endeavors Run: Chapter Two

A Chapter by Tobin

Endeavor's Run has had a major re-write. Two more narratives have been added, and this chapter is the beginning of both.
The Hue of All Humanity

The Hue of All Humanity

A Poem by anon32

Be the one to shift the hue of man.
As One Who Wonders Beside the Many

As One Who Wonders Beside the Many

A Poem by anon32

Come together to spread our plenty
Chimera Kings and Queens

Chimera Kings and Queens

A Book by keegan

Based in a fantasy world filled with different species. creatures and others alike. Features many stories with battles, cut throat deception, and roma..
Consideration of Us

Consideration of Us

A Story by Spencer Barker

I write for you today because there is something in my mind that needs to be discussed and perhaps you have wondered the same issue.Social media provi..
This is my home

This is my home

A Story by MelGo30~

The story of a solitary creature who is forced to flee his home and everything he ever knew before it's destroyed by another species.
The monsters

The monsters

A Poem by NihilistBaba

My ten year old sister was afraid of a monster living in her closet There is no such thing, i lied and kissed her good night. The monsters ..
From the Dark

From the Dark

A Story by S.Diane.L.

The Warrens were located beneath the city of Alfheim, the city of Elves. Hundreds of Ratfolk lived in harmony beneath the Elves. Many Ratfolk worked, ..
Born Again

Born Again

A Story by S.Diane.L.

The immortal realms were vast and breathtaking. Mishakal’s realm in particular was beautiful. The main temple within the center was tall and imp..