Tags : Nonfiction

Toy Chest

Toy Chest

A Poem by Emily L

Toy ChestFilled to the brimWooden green painted frogssitting in gold rocking chairssmoking cigarsThe cotton rabbitstitchedwithold worn down yarnfloppy..
Solomon's Sin

Solomon's Sin

A Poem by Randy Johnson

King Solomon was wealthy and he also had the gift of being wise.But during his later years, he didn't do what was right in God's eyes.Solomon's foreig..
Corgis, My boyfriend, Life, and Other Nonsensical Things.

Corgis, My boyfriend, Life, and Other Nonsensical ..

A Book by Chasing Cars and Daydream..

Chapters about me and my wild life. I'm open, honest, and unafraid to say what needs to be said. Let the writing begin.
Moses's Punishment

Moses's Punishment

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Moses, Miriam, Aaron and the children of Israel wandered into the wildernessofZin.The Israelites complained because there was no water, their patience..


A Story by Josh Cole

HOME By Josh Cole Alarm extinguished, sun barely lit. Bed departed, airport bound. Backpack full of weekend needs: toiletries, undies..
Denial of Jesus

Denial of Jesus

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Jesus Christ rules his father's kingdom and he's a magnificent leader.One day Jesus predicted that he would be denied three times by Peter.Peter told ..
It's Important To Please God and Jesus

It's Important To Please God and Jesus

A Poem by Randy Johnson

It's important for people to please God and Jesus.We should please them because they please us.We can please them by being honest and not cheating, st..
The Door

The Door

A Story by Carrie Ann G

As a writer, I have a thing for zombies; stories about man’s hopeless plight against the flesh-hungry once-humans only to succumb (to the vi..
If I Was A Celebrity

If I Was A Celebrity

A Poem by Randy Johnson

If I was a celebrity, I wouldn't want to be idolized.You may think thatis dumb and you may be surprised.But God is the only one who deserves to be the..
Ireland Elevator

Ireland Elevator

A Story by Kaitlyn W

First Post: Here's a story about my strange experience in Ireland.
Hillary's Cruel Remark About Some Mentally Challenged Children

Hillary's Cruel Remark About Some Mentally Challen..

A Story by Randy Johnson

Last night I read something that really ticked me off. When Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, Hillary Clinton referred to some mentally challenge..
Two-Face Bernie

Two-Face Bernie

A Poem by Randy Johnson

When Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton, he sold out.He let his supporters down and he's two-faced, there's no doubt.One day Bernie told his supp..
I Will Only Pledge Allegiance To God

I Will Only Pledge Allegiance To God

A Poem by Randy Johnson

I won't pledge allegiance to the United States flag, I only pledge allegiance to God.Certain people may think that is stupid, ridiculous and odd.I wil..
Religion Is Dying

Religion Is Dying

A Poem by Randy Johnson

I read a pamphlet that asked if religion is dying, it's almost dead.Religion may be gone forever in just a couple of decades ahead.Religion is importa..
Happy Birthday, Mom - Part IV: Precious As A Flower

Happy Birthday, Mom - Part IV: Precious As A Flowe..

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Satan Is Working Overtime

Satan Is Working Overtime

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Many people believe that Satan is a myth, they think that he doesn't exist.Sadly, he is real and the evil things that he causes are too many to list.T..
You're A Hypocrite, Bernie Sanders

You're A Hypocrite, Bernie Sanders

A Poem by Randy Johnson

I was your supporter and now you tell me to support Hillary Clinton, you're out of your cotton picking mind.Several weeks ago you said that she's unfi..
God's Glorious Government

God's Glorious Government

A Poem by Randy Johnson

After the Second Coming arrives, we'll be living under God's Government.If you're a big sinner, you must put an end to your wicked ways and repent.The..