Tags : Liberal

Home Invasion

Home Invasion

A Poem by Peridoxical

Resounding footsteps come in en masse,Surrounded by the muffled criesof the mothers and daughters who are certainthis will be their last embrace.You d..
Seven Letters

Seven Letters

A Poem by Goulden Bean

On a Value That's Often Championed and Rarely Defined
Blind Brothers

Blind Brothers

A Poem by AAmell

Limerick about our political climate


A Poem by The Mindful Witch

A poem about the current political climate and a personal opinion on the #resist/resistance movement.
Being a Liberal Christian is Confusing

Being a Liberal Christian is Confusing

A Story by lcrudolph

Not really a story, but there was no option for "I just started writing and this is what became of it", so it is now under the story tag.
I am a Human

I am a Human

A Story by Nam

It is a narrative fiction based on a true incident witnessed on Racism, which many People face in their day to day lives living Abroad.
Endgame-1 {or} Engame-2

Endgame-1 {or} Engame-2

A Poem by Austin Wade Runyon

Endgame-1(Yang) On a long enough timeline Assuming humanity does not wipe it's out Or life in whatever form The goal is to maximize happiness f..
Astray Words

Astray Words

A Poem by Rose

It seems we have lost sight of something more powerful than a gun. Words.
The Right Wing in the Stars

The Right Wing in the Stars

A Story by gummyfries

Rocket through the stars as a Conservative Republican on the brink of unearthing a life-changing treasure. A perspective on greed and entitlement writ..
ice camps

ice camps

A Poem by montresor

woe is meand woe are thoselocked in cageschainedcoldalonehumanity in the pocketof the faux dove,sitting high atophis mighty thronea home built alonebl..

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