Tags : Telekinesis

Peripheral Proxy

Peripheral Proxy

A Book by Trista G.

A young woman wakes up in a world she does not remember. Her resurrectors despise her. Some even fear her. Now, she has to recover her past in order t..
Chapter Five: Look At Me

Chapter Five: Look At Me

A Chapter by Trista G.

The first thing I heard was sirens blaring in the distance. I could feel myself floating once again with nothing but the stars above me for comfort. ..
Chapter Six: Welcome to Eden

Chapter Six: Welcome to Eden

A Chapter by Trista G.

I followed Hector outside in a pair of slippers given to me by some of the other scientists. Looking back at the building I was being held in, it turn..
Chapter Seven: Good Words

Chapter Seven: Good Words

A Chapter by Trista G.

I had been among the company of Dogma for a couple weeks now. Every day was the same as the last. Wake up. Eat. Testing. Lock down. Sleep. Rinse and r..
Chapter Eight: Her

Chapter Eight: Her

A Chapter by Trista G.

A year had gone by since my arrival at the Institute of Eden. I had difficulty adjusting during the first couple of months, but I settled in eventuall..
Chapter Nine: Cerebral

Chapter Nine: Cerebral

A Chapter by Trista G.

Later that night, after it was time for lights out, I found myself having a hard time trying to sleep. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was that was ..
Bobby's Dream

Bobby's Dream

A Book by Jesse Lynn Rucilez

Bobby Williams, a fatherless eight-year-old with emergent psychic powers. Available in print and digital formats.
Bobby's Dream-Chapter 2

Bobby's Dream-Chapter 2

A Chapter by Jesse Lynn Rucilez

This is the first section of Chapter 2 from "Bobby's Dream." Available in print and digital formats.
Future Barrier - The 3rd Novel

Future Barrier - The 3rd Novel

A Book by dw817

BARRIER started out to be a silly story I thought I would finish in a month or so but it has grown considerably into what is now years of work and spa..
Chapter Ten: Difficult

Chapter Ten: Difficult

A Chapter by Trista G.

For the next few days, Daisuke remained in the medical bay. We didn’t receive much word as to how he was doing. In fact, Hector kept it a secret..
Chapter Eleven: Into the Dark

Chapter Eleven: Into the Dark

A Chapter by Trista G.

A week following visitation, Hector had been staying up later and later in the facility. He typed furiously at his computer in his personal lab, going..
Chapter Twelve: Blank Slate

Chapter Twelve: Blank Slate

A Chapter by Trista G.

I fell into a trance with my eyes fixated on the overhead light above, lying on my back on the cold slab that served as my bed. It was silent. Peacef..
Psionic Discipline

Psionic Discipline

A Story by Lawrence Kinden

A common mistake; an uncommon rebuke. [Story Depicts Spanking]
Chapter Thirteen: Hands of a Child

Chapter Thirteen: Hands of a Child

A Chapter by Trista G.

The passing months were filled to the brim with legal drama ever since the disaster beneath Eden’s archive building. From the first night back, ..
Chapter Fourteen: Emerald Confliction

Chapter Fourteen: Emerald Confliction

A Chapter by Trista G.

With every breath, I could taste the debris particles that lingered in the air. It took me a moment to gather my senses, but I knew I was on my side. ..
Dream Diary - "River Folk"

Dream Diary - "River Folk"

A Chapter by dw817

Now that my brain was working better I could sense pain from them and there were burn marks where I was immobilized. Jackson whispered yet I heard,..
FB4-38 "Comes A Knocking"

FB4-38 "Comes A Knocking"

A Chapter by dw817

Suddenly and it was my Mom looking me up and down as I was just in my tighty-whitey underwear. She leered at me apparently enjoying the sight of wh..