Tags : girls

Offered & Granted Too late :{

Offered & Granted Too late :{

A Chapter by Pink Pastel

Red head girl and a dark angel girl


A Chapter by multifandomalex

When the girl are walking home, they g=do not notice when a guy is following. This causes them to be taken.


A Poem by Jasmine L

There's so much more to beauty than looks


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

It's the last night for the two lads in their tent.


A Chapter by livepoetssociety

PrologueThe only sounds in the air were the rapid pace of a heartbeat and the splashing of water. The scene is blurred but I make out a figure in fron..
Together We Gain

Together We Gain

A Poem by Dr. Ann Lewis

Written on the eve of the Washington D.C. Women's March.
Section: 1  Entry: 1

Section: 1 Entry: 1

A Chapter by em

When I wake up, the program in my brain takes approximately fifteen minutes to start up again. Therefore, I sit and wait for everything to hardware ..
She's a cop

She's a cop

A Story by lg

Same as HDMR but different guy, more coherent. Themes of loss, defeat, empowerment, and manipulation and not really knowing why you do things you do.
Just once-lucky fate

Just once-lucky fate

A Poem by Sravya Chodisetti

Now you say, I am not safe… I should not go alone into the outer space. Now you take it away, the thing I longed for.. The long-lost freedo..
A Woman

A Woman

A Poem by Christian Bonoan

In celebration of the Women's Month.
Observation #1

Observation #1

A Poem by Richard Mueller

Poetry based on observations.
Love never dies

Love never dies

A Poem by Tyler

The words I should have said when I had the chance. The words I wish I could say when I get the next
16 [Unabridged]

16 [Unabridged]

A Poem by Someone (Maybe)

Sixteen.I tell seven people my biggest secret.One says she loves me.One says he'll help me tell my parents.One says "That's great"One says "Cool!"One ..


A Story by Mel Jayne

She is angelic and there is no way that she is mortal. Set during lunch.


A Poem by Mel Jayne

Inspired by Harry Potter books and such. This is dedicated to Lavender Brown and Parvati Pavvil.


A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Not to be confused with toys