Tags : love

Sunk heart

Sunk heart

A Poem by Styxmeti

Like a floating boat on a calm river,the sun falling down on my face,a gentle breeze stroking my cheeks...... a good place.Drifted away from safe plac..
Choking silence

Choking silence

A Poem by Styxmeti

Your absence was my block of panic,drowning me in the ocean of despair,caged by uncertainty I couldn't move,suffocating by time passing by...... final..


A Poem by Styxmeti

The moment your eyes towards me became black,you used the knife of trust to stop my heart from beating.The thread which held the cup of safety broke,f..


A Poem by Styxmeti

Left alone with cutting winds on the platform,my knees drawn by gravity,strangulated by the resonating words of emotions,scuffing my hands to hold up ..
Missing you

Missing you

A Poem by Styxmeti

after a day of missing you,seeing you fall asleep,makes my day complete.feeling the ocean of warmth flooding my body,when you smile at me....putting o..
Tragic life

Tragic life

A Poem by Styxmeti

Conquering your life,swimming through the blood of loved ones,drowning by grief of passed events,Kicking to stay above, the teeth of the pillars of su..
Digital emotions

Digital emotions

A Poem by Styxmeti

To read the warmth of your love,responding to my words above,we could debate, but not deny,you've moved my soul and let it fly.For those who say it is..
The First Time

The First Time

A Poem by JSAECH

The first experience with a new partner
A fanatical pluviophile

A fanatical pluviophile

A Poem by Fatima

It solely holds me together...
Listen to momma pt1

Listen to momma pt1

A Poem by Mimi$$

The things your mom say should be sacred. She notices everything before you do. My mom never told me no p***y s**t
Universal God

Universal God

A Poem by M@

A tale of Believing
The Meeting

The Meeting

A Poem by JSAECH

after a year of texting we finally meet


A Poem by Fanicia E.

Sometimes you get stuck, but that can be a good thing
from nothing at all

from nothing at all

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

on conversations and thoughts on love