Tags : monsters

When it is night

When it is night

A Chapter by Lyn Anderson

as you might well imagine, with thoughts like mine, I spent a lot of time looking for monsters under the bed.
Tour of Duty

Tour of Duty

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

visited the VA yesterday. Can you tell?


A Chapter by Masked Shaman

The moon hung high in the sky, clouds blanketing it in a soft embrace as the stars quivered beneath its cover, frightened by what arose below.Dark fig..
The Monster

The Monster

A Poem by Rainy

A monster is running around the town,everyone is scared, but no one knows that the monster isn't a monster,it may look like one but that doesn't mean ..
Where the Bad Things Go

Where the Bad Things Go

A Poem by Crow

Have you ever wondered, in a figment of a thought. A fleeting moment of memory's past. If all you've done that's bad and foul is stored away to resur..
12 hours of the night

12 hours of the night

A Book by Zachary Williams

A homeless youth must survive 12 hours of a winter night filled with monsters, set in the suburbs of Dallas, tx.
Feeding Hour

Feeding Hour

A Story by Cale

The forest is dark. The creatures are roaming, and curiosity really is deadly.
The Thing About Monsters True

The Thing About Monsters True

A Story by SoberBunny

Please, add to me what you see. What you hear. What's in me that is also in you. :)
Lake Black

Lake Black

A Story by McKenzie J Chatterton

I wrote this piece of flash fiction for a writing challenge on another website I am joined to. I hope you enjoy
Jack and Friends' Adventures: The Initiation

Jack and Friends' Adventures: The Initiation

A Book by Jack and Friends' Advntur..

In a world corrupted by bandits one man has decided to form a team to stop them all. But as the team prepares to meet up for the first time, a dangero..
Chapter One: The Three Baldies

Chapter One: The Three Baldies

A Chapter by Jack and Friends' Advntur..

Jack makes his last preparations before setting off to pick up a new team member. However, someone has plotted an attack on his other new team members..
Chapter Two: Not Home Alone

Chapter Two: Not Home Alone

A Chapter by Jack and Friends' Advntur..

After being attacked the night before, the hooded figure sets out to warn others. At the same time a woman is introduced to new people, some good, som..
Outside The Firelight

Outside The Firelight

A Book by Khalel Rawle

"And sometimes, if you hold your breath, close your eyes, and listen real closely, you can hear them. The little blind spiders, whispering the story o..


A Chapter by Khalel Rawle

And it all began with a simple question.
Ragnarok Rising (NanoWriMo 2016)

Ragnarok Rising (NanoWriMo 2016)

A Story by Khalel Rawle

There exists a place, far past the deserts to the east, and even the elven cities of gold. There is a Dark Continent, where they say men capture light..
Chapter Three: Knock Knock!

Chapter Three: Knock Knock!

A Chapter by Jack and Friends' Advntur..

While waiting for Jack's return the hooded figure, Ben, and Mod must protect themselves from the dangerous shadow creature.