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The Adventures of Jade Hawethorn

The Adventures of Jade Hawethorn

A Book by Breezy

A spiritual medium. A Witch. A Debate star. With her two best friends, spiritual medium Jade Hawethorn guides spirits to the afterlife. But trouble is..
Creature Of Habit

Creature Of Habit

A Story by Serge Wlodarski

A place for everything, and everything in it’s place.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Brandon Mineo

Chapter one: Better off on my own Gary Odman wiped the drool off the side of his cheek, as he sat up. Crossing his arms tightly to his bare ches..
Saving Anny

Saving Anny

A Story by crowcapital

Trailer to my new book. It´s.... well.... you decide.
White Willow

White Willow

A Book by CLHartmann

"They left me here." That sentence was the beginning of her story. One sentence that changed, eighteen year old, Jake's perspective during a school pr..
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by CLHartmann

Chapter One "Jake, here's your assigned resident, that you will be shadowing." Mr. Walker said passing Jake a folder as he exited the ..
Creaking church

Creaking church

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

I wrote a lot of stuff when living in a decayed civil war era church on the back roads of Tennessee. This was something in my notebook I hastily wrot..
Rainy Monday Blues

Rainy Monday Blues

A Poem by purpleray

We all just end up Ghosts


A Story by Andrew Jackson

A short story about my father.
The New Tenant

The New Tenant

A Story by T.D. Minor

Drabble - 100 words


A Story by Novel Minded_75

This work is based upon the short film, "No Escape", created by a fellow Writer's Cafe member, 3X3MPLER I tried submitting it on his page for the co..
The Master's Hounds

The Master's Hounds

A Story by M.A.Alexander

A short story about some dogs and some ghosts and some weird stuff.
All In My Head

All In My Head

A Poem by K.L Serene

Ghosts Amongst My Imagination
Ghost in the woods

Ghost in the woods

A Story by Jcortz3

A scary camp story
Summer Fires

Summer Fires

A Poem by Kathy Van Kurin

A day which gave opportunity for personal introspection. We here in Oregon, Idaho, Washington watched this become a very serious summer for wild fires..


A Poem by Lovecraft

Straining to hear those ethereal voices,Swept upon the eastern winds, velvet,Light and indecipherable as the air,Breathing in the sounds of a past,Lin..