Tags : Elves

Chapter 11: Escape

Chapter 11: Escape

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Ewa,” whispered Weïnyu, holding her right arm in the sling, “follow me.” “Aye aye,” replied Ewa with a g..
Chapter 12: Blindness

Chapter 12: Blindness

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Ewa, wake up, quick!” Realms cried. Ewa was shaken awake by the white-haired boy and slowly rose, holding her head and groaning. &l..
Chapter 13: Focus

Chapter 13: Focus

A Chapter by Anonymous

“Here you go,” the hooded girl said as she poured Ewa and Realms some tea from an oddly-shaped teapot. Beside the teacups were various ..
Chapter 14: Change

Chapter 14: Change

A Chapter by Anonymous

~Six Days Later~ We’ve been staying at Demii’s house for about seven days. Weïnyu is recovering nicely; her skin is actually tur..
A Beautiful, Beautiful Dream

A Beautiful, Beautiful Dream

A Story by Truth

A dream I had once and decided to write down. Here is the product of a beautiful, beautiful dream.


A Book by Orin and Raven Valdis

Rose, a fire demon gypsy, is trying to settle her past while settling things in the present. Her world is turned around when she saves a wolf from de..
Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by VassD

We meet the characters, and we learn bits and pieces of Kaili's past.