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A Chapter by Prodogee

A young night elf by the name of Prodogee can't choose a side, so she doesn't. She works for both the horde and the alliance, and has no friends.. no ..
In the Rain

In the Rain

A Story by Kyle Briggs

A story of a man who finds what he is looking for, but something else along the way.
The Blood Cross

The Blood Cross

A Chapter by Prodogee

Prodogee, the young Night Elf whom no one knows and loves, doesnt have any friends nor allys until she meets a young human and her two friends, a youn..
In the moonlight

In the moonlight

A Book by Micheal Stone

"Eve! Are you okay?" Daniel shook the lifeless Eve that had just fallen next to him in the hallway, her chest moved up and down painfully. Daniel actu..
~Galaxy Wishes~

~Galaxy Wishes~

A Poem by LanternBounty

~ Why shouldn't I believe, follow my dreams? Am I not worthy, as it seems? I want my wishes, my own chance. I see all these stars around me danc..
Shadows in the Deep

Shadows in the Deep

A Book by Fire Tulip

I will be writing chapter to chapter to see if you guys like this. If you like this please rate or comment! Thank ya!
Waiting Room

Waiting Room

A Screenplay by dlowebianco

This is a short film I wrote last year. The two leads are cast already and we're hoping to shoot soon.
Mirror, Mirror, What Do You See In Me?

Mirror, Mirror, What Do You See In Me?

A Poem by Summer Windton

This is not a poem, more like a personal "speech", whatever. Contest entry.
Harvest of Hearts

Harvest of Hearts

A Poem by Dandy Jon Powder

An older poem I wrote a few years back, I still like it.
I Found Fear In Your Eyes.

I Found Fear In Your Eyes.

A Poem by MetBySunlight

I don't care that it's long, read it anyway. Please (:
The Girl Living In A Bottle

The Girl Living In A Bottle

A Poem by P.H. Carver

Some begged with her, “Come back to reality!” She replied: “Give me my keys, give them me!” With a bob of her head, And..


A Chapter by Solaris LeRouche

Remember who you were, GET KOKORO!
Enter: Nano, Diva of the future!

Enter: Nano, Diva of the future!

A Chapter by Solaris LeRouche

After reading the note Solaris left hidden in XD-03s system files, Vowing to find the rest of Solaris' friends, and give Solaris her life back (and th..


A Story by Jasmine Thousand

Sometimes you just can't get any better than IMAGINARY.
Chapter 9: In Dreams, Part II

Chapter 9: In Dreams, Part II

A Chapter by ObsidianSea

An explosion of sparks races through my body. And the pain lit my nerves like ten thousand matches struck by the hand of God. Screaming at the top of ..