Tags : Satire

Did the Dog Eat My Psilocybin Truffle?

Did the Dog Eat My Psilocybin Truffle?

A Story by Dalton Boon

Glen is unsettled after a recent breakup and goes for a reflective walk in the woods with his dog, Mojo. Upon returning, one of the two ingest a psilo..
Meatload and Myra

Meatload and Myra

A Story by Dalton Boon

A sophist dog wanders into the open world swearing never to come back. He meets a lovely companion, Myra, and reshapes his way of thinking of his hom..
Why worry?

Why worry?

A Poem by The Iron Horseman

A poem about life.


A Poem by Solitaireman

For years, I have had a fascination with the female umbilicus. One day, I felt a little silly and decided to write a satirical nonsense poem.
The Politician

The Politician

A Poem by The Iron Horseman

A satirical look at those who purport to represent us.
She's So Lucky: Inside the Inauguration of the Century

She's So Lucky: Inside the Inauguration of the Cen..

A Chapter by JudahJeanSpears

Britney Spears takes the oath of office with the help of her VP, Hillary Clinton, who TOTALLY isn't jealous.
Wasted Time

Wasted Time

A Story by Noah Fence

This is a short, satirical story about the so-called "college experience."
Of leaves and Laurels

Of leaves and Laurels

A Story by Terry Baird

Another silly tale of koalas and their attempt at living a life of ease
A Conversation With The Prime Minister

A Conversation With The Prime Minister

A Story by The Iron Horseman

AKA The Fool on the Hill


A Poem by The Iron Horseman

Ziggurats versus pyramids
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

A Chapter by SGCool

In which things are easier than previously thought.
Chapter 18

Chapter 18

A Chapter by SGCool

*Mortal Kombat intro music*


A Poem by The Iron Horseman

All the world is crazy, except for thee and me. And I 'm none too sure about thee!
Because Age Does Not Proves Maturity!

Because Age Does Not Proves Maturity!

A Story by Neel Preet

"Because Age Does Not Proves Maturity!" is a short story written with a humorous note & conveys it's message in a satirical manner. This story highlig..