Tags : Adventure



A Book by JamieDB

An Epic Fantasy, filled with a mystical world of shadow's and magical power that radiates from Gods long gone but who perhaps want to claw their way b..


A Chapter by JamieDB

An Epic Fantasy, filled with a mystical world of shadow's and magical power that radiates from Gods long gone but who perhaps want to claw their way b..


A Chapter by HermesHonor

Chapter One, in which a Ghost tries to remember Life.


A Chapter by HermesHonor

In which the Boy accidentally creates Time.
Fehu and the Broken Wall

Fehu and the Broken Wall

A Chapter by HermesHonor

In which the Buffalo becomes a Fish
Today And Tomorrow

Today And Tomorrow

A Poem by Arriam

I'm Sad and I also feel bad having nothing on this account
In The Dark Reaches

In The Dark Reaches

A Poem by Arriam

...it may be over but insecurity isn't ever over ayy
My Last Request

My Last Request

A Poem by Arriam

I hope that this will make it to its intended. I hope against it as well. I've got a lot of useless hope left. Inspired by "Closure" by Teeya.
Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate

A Poem by Arriam

i'm happier.
The Glassworker and The Narrator.

The Glassworker and The Narrator.

A Chapter by HermesHonor

In Which an Old Wolf Walks to Subway