Tags : Roses

The Dark Secret of Ms. Lily’s Roses

The Dark Secret of Ms. Lily’s Roses

A Story by TKBickel

The Dark Secret of Ms. Lily’s Roses From a darkened bedroom, Alice Holt peered nervously through the cracked window blinds at the pristine tw..
Red Rosebeam

Red Rosebeam

A Poem by Eric Cox

One rose of red in a black rosebed.


A Poem by Love Angel Bearing Light

A poem about a girl whose parents would not allow her to see the roses. This decision made by them has affected her greatly in her life.
Blackened Roses

Blackened Roses

A Poem by fiery-san

Timeless beauties... I shall watch you wilt
Bouquet of Roses

Bouquet of Roses

A Poem by Jess

appreciate little things you've received
What Would You Do

What Would You Do

A Poem by kelvin

What would you dofor love? I ask myself. Love makes you dothe craziest things to yourself. Roses are red, flesh turns purplelike the bruises made byth..
Three Black Roses

Three Black Roses

A Book by Honey21

Layla is the youngest daughter of Duke Wilmer, but she has never been popular like her sister, Annie. Shy and timid, she is hopelessly in love with a ..
Painting the Roses Red

Painting the Roses Red

A Poem by Jessie

A combination of both the old cartoon and the new movie 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Alice'
Death Do Us Part

Death Do Us Part

A Poem by ShayElexis(:

No words needed
Sonnet XIV – Sonnet of death

Sonnet XIV – Sonnet of death

A Poem by Adam Lebzo -RonninWarrior..

The title really says it!
Sonnet V - No tears in heaven!

Sonnet V - No tears in heaven!

A Poem by Adam Lebzo -RonninWarrior..

Inspired by "Night"'s faithful poems, maybe its not related.However, It hit me after reading his poems Thank you my friend!
Mystic Lake

Mystic Lake

A Poem by GorgEOus NiGhtMarE

It may make no sense but please read!! :D
ORAL Senryu

ORAL Senryu

A Poem by Frieda P

Just for Valentines Day
Chocolates, Roses and Valentines

Chocolates, Roses and Valentines

A Poem by Pikachu

Chocolates, Roses, Valentines
Red Roses

Red Roses

A Poem by Destiny

The blizzard holds a flowerThe petals faded blackI see the truth behind your liesThe mask that often cracksYou've saved me from my thoughtsYou've held..