Tags : Help

Can You See

Can You See

A Poem by Taz

This is for anyone who can see.
Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon

A Poem by aLonelyPoet

recently my one and only happiness has been taken from me leaving me in darkness and fear.
Porcelain Lies

Porcelain Lies

A Poem by Cameron

Perfection is the disease of a Nation...
1:30 am//

1:30 am//

A Poem by Cameron

Farewell, my dear sanity.
Things i could never tell you pt.2

Things i could never tell you pt.2

A Poem by Cameron

You've ruined a nun, causing her to reject herself, along with her will to live..
Decency is a thing

Decency is a thing

A Poem by Cameron

Roses hurt, darling. It was only a matter of time before you learned.
Things i could never tell you pt.1

Things i could never tell you pt.1

A Poem by Cameron

The thought of being with you is so intoxicating... but now I can't breathe.


A Story by Zero

Change is hard, it's scary and full of uncertainty.
Death is a peaceful presence

Death is a peaceful presence

A Poem by Cameron

I dream of death, but not the reaper. An essence of peace that will slowly cradle my soul, a gentle but cold grip. Appreciate my life and take me to..
Knowledge in Love.

Knowledge in Love.

A Poem by MontanaOf300

I myself am currently trying to cope with the reality of love, realizing I may not be the only one who is suicidal or may need another view on love.
Perfectionistic EDNOS

Perfectionistic EDNOS

A Book by Cameron

My outlet for the eating disorders killing me might as well be entertaining.
Perfectionistic EDNOS Ch.1

Perfectionistic EDNOS Ch.1

A Chapter by Cameron

Cotton candy skies look back at me as I gaze towards the now setting sun. The aroma ofburning woodtickles my nose and I look towards my companions. B..
Insanity, i suppose

Insanity, i suppose

A Poem by Cameron

Darling, I can't seem to get off the repeating track of thoughts. I'm down a rabbit hole, you see... yet Wonderland doesn't exist anymore andNeverlan..
The Problems the Students Face While Essay Writing

The Problems the Students Face While Essay Writing

A Story by Karen Davis

Essay writing is a very specific kind of academic duties. In order to complete academic, one should consider so many factors. Whether it is a narrativ..
Wake Up

Wake Up

A Poem by Laura Murphy

If you've never experienced sleep paralysis, I hope you never do. This is how it makes me feel.
A writer

A writer

A Poem by casey f

I've always wanted to be a writerI've always wanted my words to drip with meaningto pull someone in and to touch a memoryI've wanted to mean something..