Tags : Her

In Her Honor

In Her Honor

A Poem by Arcus

Her tears fell, glistening with all of her dreams,and flashing like beloved memories upon a dew-soaked dandelion. These droplets, a looking glass into..


A Poem by Molly Garnet

the problem iseven when she takes down her wallno one can break through the stone foundationwithout shattering herso no one tries
Means Nothing

Means Nothing

A Poem by Larrycall

hopeless . Just a bus ride .


A Poem by CynthiaT.

You dogged her you clowned her but Damn she's doing better then you isn't she Crashed her bashed her But she didn't play the fool Fool her once ..
I asked, Who is she?

I asked, Who is she?

A Poem by Boldapple

She rocked my world
This Girl

This Girl

A Poem by Hilario Alves

Short poem about a girl I know
Remember Her

Remember Her

A Poem by NANA

A scared and confused young mother


A Poem by lezzz_b_honest

I never thought I'd meet her But I sure as hell never thought I'd lose her She's perfect in every way but she drives me crazy just ..


A Chapter by one sky

I can see her everywhere
Move on.

Move on.

A Poem by Mr. D

I know I have to move on. even if I don't want to because then I will have to put your memories down. But 'moving on' is better way to shore my ship i..
F**k Up

F**k Up

A Poem by Drake

A poem/rant
Little things I knew about Her

Little things I knew about Her

A Poem by seraphicAlisah

A poem which I wrote for a close friend of mine....
Gone But Not Forgotten

Gone But Not Forgotten

A Poem by David

written for someone who touched my heart
The Mask

The Mask

A Poem by ProCoacoa

You see the bright smileBut its actually fakeI wore a mask long agoAnd it was very hard to makeThis mask I wearIs so nobody hearsThe hurt, the sufferi..


A Poem by Emily

This one is pretty self-explanatory.